
Retired, living in YYZ — BLM | Indigenous Rights | AntiGlobalist

  • 210 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2021

  • Russia is a kleptocracy, a massive mafia state run by a dim-witted dictator. All this vatnik propaganda is wild, man. If their economy is so good, why can’t they build any more T-92s? Why are they using defective artillery shells they bought from NORTH KOREA?! Give me a break!

    I think you’re a little confused. Replace Russia with Ukraine and then you’ll be 100% accurate. Being a Russia hater with nonsense like this, doesn’t look well on you. Do some research and you’ll learn that the production lines are booming. Of course you won’t get accurate information from our MSM.

  • Yup, I’m blocking you. Doxing is against the rules. And since I’m a senior it’s Mr. to you. I didn’t give you permission to use my name. All anyone does from the .world domain is troll, don’t read the content, actually they have no desire to read the content. Yes, I’m a Russophile, I’m old enough to know that our government has changed, becoming more authoritarian and Russia has become quite Democratic, much more so than us. We’re not in a democracy anymore. Russia is now the 4th largest economy in the world. That’s an objective fact, regardless if you dislike it or not. Now, if you want to keep playing, I know people that will be able to dox you. You’ve been warned.I’m not the type that will run to an admin to complain.

  • Again, my name is not Steven. Your comments had nothing to do with the post you were responding too. You show a neglect in answering objectively to the content. Since I was in the military for many years, I know NBCW material as we trained for that type of warfare. There was no way in hell that Skirpal was poisoned with a nerve agent. It only takes a miniscule drop of nerve agent to kill a person. So it couldn’t have been smeared on his doorknob. It would have killed anyone afterwards as well. Anyway, that isn’t what my post was about, so please stick to the subject going forward, or I’ll be forced to ban you because of trolling. Understood? Good faith in commenting goes a long way. If you don’t understand the subject matter, please don’t even bother commenting.

  • So you’re not going to read the substance? Both media sources do journalism. This just shows me that you have a closed mind. Are you #NAFO? You’re giving those vibs.

    If you’re not going to admit that the preponderance of evidence shows that they are indeed part of an influence operation by NATO, then you’re being unnecessarily obstinate, and I’m done with you and consider this discussion closed. I’ve known about Elliott Higgins since the time he called himself ‘Brown Moses’. He’s as fake as a 3$ bill.

    By the way, my name is not Steven …

  • Russia invaded. Do you think NATO/Ukraine/anyone is going to cross the Russian border and make this an offensive war against Russia after Russia pulls out of Ukraine? Putin has openly stated he wants Russia, as it was during the USSR days, reformed. He invaded Crimea and Chechnya before Ukraine, why do you think he’ll stop after three? Russia invaded three neighboring countries in the last 15 years. Are those accords worth anything to Russia?

    1/ That’s already been done. NATO special services have been operating in Russia.(I still have contacts in the NATO military)

    2/ Do you have a citation for your claim that he wants the same lands as Soviet Russia? I see that claim often in the Western Press, but haven’t so far seen anything in that regard, at least that I can remember. I’ll have to check my archives.

    3/ Chechnya is part of Russia. He invaded because again the Western Powers were meddling and created a so called Chechnya “opposition”. Crimea had a large Russian Naval Base giving the Russian Federation access to the Black Sea and Ukraine had threatened to give it to the US/NATO. Crimea is almost entirely Russian speaking, and the citizenry voted overwhelmingly to separate from Ukraine and join Russia. Election monitors were satisfied that the vote was legit — except the western Deep State, of course.

    4/ Which 3? Those accords were what would have stopped any invasion and allowed The Donbass to remain Ukrainian. Both Angela Merkel and another European leader, whose name escapes right now, acknowledged publicly that the Minsk 1 & 2 were never going to be implemented. They were buying time to allow NATO to arm Ukraine. Even before Russia invaded, they tried one more time to get NATO/USA to take their concerns seriously. They were laughed off by the West. You see, the intent all the time was to provoke Russia into invading. That was the entire game plan.