Now this is a good gray, OPs images are not (for my tastes at least)
Now this is a good gray, OPs images are not (for my tastes at least)
My application:
Thats the thing tho, MPV can literally have any UX you want
6x3 #ffffff pleaseeee :3
Sorry I can’t vc but I’d like to share some opinions/feedback. A lot of these are UI/UX things that I imagine won’t be implemented until later in development but I would like to get them out there:
Please do not add AI to this (or at least keep it as a plugin). Seems like an odd ask but every webapp bookmark manager I’ve check out has added the most random AI features
Optionally see bookmarks under lists in the sidebar (including seeing lists under “unpinned lists” and bookmarks under “unsorted bookmarks”). For neatness sake maybe have it clamped to 10 items and have the rest listed as a single item + x bookmarks
in a subtext color
Search for bookmarks
Rename, delete, and move bookmarks from the sidebar with a right click menu
Sidebar bookmarks show favicon of website. Bookmark page shows a preview of the website
Extra information in key=value for bookmarks, ie: price=49.99
, and being able to sort by keys, ie: price <= 25
Hidden bookmarks: hidden by default from searches and list views unless “show hidden” option is toggled. I personally would use this a lot for websites I’ve read through already but might want to keep incase someone else needs the info
Archived bookmarks: archive the site itself and store it on the server
Realized I did the wrong pixel last time -_-
2x4 #ffffff please!
2x5 #ffffff please!
4x4 #ffffff please :D
3x3 #ffffff please :3
Yea my post was more asking why I’m hearing so much about only Ladybird when their in equally unuseable states. All the comments point twords Servo pushing itself as embedded rather then being a browser project (dispite having a mockup browser GUI) which is fair
Ladybird to be a browser must also be a rendering engine tho? The biggest compliant ive heard of Firefox vs Chrome is that Firefox isnt ment to be embedded, which makes Servo more of a chrome competitor than Ladybird which would just replace Firefoxes role rather then be something better. Not that I’m again their focus on being a browser, if that focus can get them to a useable state quicker
I wish I had a shit load of extra money so I could just pay internet strangers random amounts. “Oh hey this was a cool convo we just had, here’s $2k.” “Your saving up for a new PC? Heres the last $400 you need buy it rn”
Top premitted domain:
A fellow sysadmin furry I see
Linux mint is a good, “click first” distro that won’t break without root + will be easy for her to use. For something with a more modern desktop and more recent updates, Bazzite is really good at just working and (in my experience) has never broken
Hope im not too late for 7x3 #ffffff!