Does watching episodes 5-7 (S1) of Lower Decks count?
Does watching episodes 5-7 (S1) of Lower Decks count?
Yeah I have my chargers on my nightstand and I put my phone on the charger every night no problem, but my watch and ring (I have an Oura) I want to wear at night (for the haptic alarm that doesn’t wake my partner, and sleep tracking); so a lot of nights I end up laying in bed on my phone for 30+ minutes past when I wanted to go to sleep just waiting for them to charge enough.
Also, I used to occasionally have phantom notifications but now that I think about it I don’t think I have for a while. 🤷
I have my calendar on my home screen and I just ignore it because now it’s just part of the scenery. The only thing that actually helps me remember things is having a smart watch with alarms because I don’t ignore the haptics on my wrist.
Remembering to keep it charged though? That’s a whole other thing.
why would you remove the bones and skin to make a broth? that’s where all the flavor is
I think if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and sounds like a duck, we need to treat it like it may continue to exhibit duck-like behaviors until we have a better understanding of the differences between it and a real duck in terms of long-term behavioral impact.
That said, it’s pretty clear at this point that sufficient sophisticated LLMs exhibit emergent behavior in terms of logic and reasoning ability that imply there may be other patterns we aren’t aware of and can’t simply “not train”.
Personally, I don’t see why a sufficiently sophisticated LLM wouldn’t necessarily be able to differentiate between canon and fanfiction given that it’s also aware of the difference between the two. If logic and reasoning ability can be pulled from our use of language, why wouldn’t it be able to pick up on logical discontinuities and other patterns that make the two “feel” different and cause it to partition them on its own?
I remember playing Blur back in high school and was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. The gameplay was good, and it had an aesthetic that was pretty unique. Honestly I think I might see if I can dig it up from somewhere and play it again; just to see if I enjoy it as much as I did playing Burnout: Paradise for the first time in 12 years.
you see, Oceania was always at war with East Asia
Yeah Samba is a pain to deal with. It’ll be nice when NFS becomes standard across Windows machines instead of just some niche feature only available in the pro version.
What distribution are you using? In my experience, ease-of-use varies wildly between software and hardware configurations.
There are systems that are built for Linux support, and some system builders (like System 76 and Pop!_OS) bundle their own distros with their machines, which makes for a better experience overall.
There’s also ChromeOS, which is technically Linux (in the same way that Android is), which is typically regarded as one of the most reliable and easy to use, and recently is available to install on nearly any machine.
That said, Linux is very much different from Windows. With Windows, the GUI is baked into the system and you can do almost anything without touching the terminal. In Linux, being familiar with (or at least not afraid of) the command line is a requirement to really getting things done.
One of the biggest issues with Linux is that installing applications isn’t non-destructive to the system unless you’re using Flatpak or Nix or something. Applications being installed, upgraded, removed, etc. and not putting things back the way that they were or that other applications expect them to be is probably the biggest source of frustration.
Once we have a reliable community distribution, which uses only containerized/sandboxes apps (a la ChromeOS), I think adoption for the average user will be a lot easier. Until then, just avoid using apt whenever possible.
I do worry about how the community will handle when that eventually becomes a problem, or how the community might keep it from becoming a problem in the first place. Low-quality posts are inevitable with a sufficiently large user base.
I saw a couple of later episodes at a friend’s house while ago, but otherwise yeah. It’s been fun so far! My partner is watching it with me and can point out references and other things while we watch together because they’ve seen a lot of the older shows.