I don’t mind car horns and stuff that’s just background noise. If I live far from the city I wouldn’t be able to work because all the jobs here are in the city
They’re so fucking unhinged they’d probably sue me for it. I’ve never met a more manipulative pos couple in my entire fucking life
I’m literally so sick of it, it’s such a massive shame. The neighbourhood is wonderful, the building is beautiful, and I just had to be the unlucky fuck that has psychotic neighbours right next to me. It’s unhinged to listen to that crap all day
Really? I’ve heard it’s a very psychologically exhausting job
That wasn’t my question
As in, I don’t live in the apartment, I’m living somewhere else currently. So, nobody uses any water, does any laundry, cooks etc. there.
So I don’t understand how it could become humid inside my apartment.
What’s the same degree?
There is no suburbia here. And I can’t imagine how much worse living under the same roof as these lunatics would be