It would be cool if you could replay previous days
It would be cool if you could replay previous days
I also wouldn’t consider underscores food
Can I wear it? 👎 Is it a microwave? 👍
This is too easy
It would be great if you could open source it
“Something went wrong” when I asked “Can I wear it”. Almost couldn’t continue until it finally went through. Would be good if you could change the question again if there’s an error
Just don’t use anything proprietary like Sync or Connect
Just don’t buy crapple
Or just use ubloco origin with firefox. Always worked for me
That’s a very conservative take
There are browser extensions like KeepassXC
Doesn’t change the fact they’re annoyed every time they need to block a new person. And there will always be new FOSS enthusiasts, especially on this platform
If you can read you can realize that OP is being alienated by the lack of other topics, not by Linux.
I obviously mean free as in freedom. Also, normal money (fiat) also has no inherit value. But that one can be controlled by the government
Okay, Linux phones will be the absolute freedom and make Android obsolete. Once the phones are mature enough
I’m thinking about pure Android which is open source. I could’ve written that better…
I don’t think restriction in society IRL is comparable to digital restriction. But we don’t have to agree.
Yes, diversity is good. Talking about FOSS is also good.
I don’t think the conversations about FOSS take room away from other topics, they can coexist. So let’s aim for bringing in more diverse topics instead of turning down FOSS topics
It’s proprietary so we have no control