“like a 4chan post came to life” -Jake Tapper, CNN
“like a 4chan post came to life” -Jake Tapper, CNN
To be fair, while Trump is an adult, he never grew up, hence the kids gloves.
Kamala is destroying him. He needs the handicap.
Concepts of a plan. Genius!
“and this… former president…” I’m fucking dying.
Liked “Dear iPhone users:”
I almost ripped a nail off trying to open my edibles a few weeks back. I now put them in a few childproof jars from other edibles that I’ve saved.
On a side note: those bags aren’t childproof, as any kid with a pair of safety scissors is going to make quick work of them.
Mowers running in the middle of the night while people are sleeping? Maybe changing the time of day that they run would benefit everyone, especially cute little hedgehogs.
Ugh, they used the word ‘marijuana’. Foreshadowing.
I second this, great manufacturer. The 8BitDo Pro 2 is my personal preference. It looks like a Playstation and SNES controller did the fusion dance. I liked it so much I bought two: one for my PC and one for my Switch. It has a quality feel to it, excellent tactile response, and feels very comfortable in my hands.
True, but my 580 is showing it’s age. A lot of newer titles push it too hard, where even with low game settings and Adrenalin tweaks, it still suffers. Enshrouded was almost a slide show. I’m lucky I can still play Satisfactory (especially since they recently updated to UE5).
Firefox, uBlock Origin, and Malwarebytes.
An egocentric attitude, like they’re the main character. Super fucking annoying.
The Witcher
You never realize how heavy your phone is until it hits you in the face.
My only real issue is with health and beauty being locked up. I’m currently transitioning (MtF) and have found myself buying a lot online for this very reason. If it’s behind a glass wall, it can stay there.
Ahh, but then your wish would never happen, because you wouldn’t be around to wish it in the first place.