Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
I’m just trying to chill, but capitalism
Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
A reminder to enjoy my PS3 multiplayer games while I can, I suppose.
The Alucard module
This actually looks pretty cute!
Leave the living room at once. It knows you’re there.
I gave FFXIII some flak back in the day, but I really did like it. Heck, it has one of my favorite casts. I’m a Snow enjoyer. However, it all went to hell when they made two sequels (with very different setting/theme tone) and decided to keep reusing the lore that people complained about in other games.
Also, I salute you for your courage at saying anything remotely negative about VIIR.
It really is a core part of the vibes and tone of the series. Even the ones with no story to speak of and/or bad old turn-based gameplay had the good music, design, etc.
I don’t get it. It seems like a very unsatisfying ending that way.
I found it to be pretty anti-consumer, but no beef if you enjoyed that.
Anyway, here’s hoping it ages well like MGS2.
Well, now I’m starting to get it.
Major story changes and can only take place after the original has already happened. It’s a retread, but a sequel nonetheless. They explicitly said in interviews and such that it would be a faithful remake (despite additions).
Better to have a conclusion of some kind, I think. That’s a rare treat these days.
I’d say it was my least favorite rather than the worst, but agreed. For one thing, the ATB is super slow. It also would have been nice to have a little build customization like Materia/GF. It’s neat to have set jobs for more character flavor, but maybe a little choice would have been nice. Also the final boss was silly.
FFXIII was best on its own and should not have been a trilogy, but agreed.
Cold take, I know, but I think FFVIIR is a falsely advertised sequel.
They only sell it at Chipotle where I’m at. I’m tempted to order a box