• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • duviobazto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    1 year ago

    You still seem to think that “anarchism” means total abolition of rules and order, but that is simply not what it means. This confusion with what it’s actually called, anomia, is so common, that Wikipedia even mentions this right in the beginning of their respective articles

  • duviobazto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    1 year ago

    Ok, let me do the same thing you just did to show you that your argument doesn’t make any sense: Capitalism is a nice thought, but it’s an “if everyone did X there wouldn’t be any problems” solution, which can be generally dismissed as useless. Here, “X” is “simply let the markets regulate everything,” which is one of the biggest stretches I’ve ever seen this technique used for.

    My point is, capitalism means way more than that. Everyone who claims that capitalism merely means “let the markets decide” obviously does not know what capitalism is. Same applies to anarchism.

  • duviobazto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    1 year ago

    Here, “nation states” does not refer to the actual landmass their borders engulf, but rather to the abstract concept of differentiating between human populations on the basis of laws that merely exist within our minds and areas of land based on virtual lines that equally only exist in our minds

  • duviobazto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    1 year ago

    But sadly we live in reality and have to accept that talking about how the israeli people have just the same right to live as the palestinians is way more effective than outright demanding the abolishment of all nation states, a thing that, even if ever, is only going to become even fathomable to most humans in at least a few centuries

  • Wir schließen jeden Tag etliche Verträge. Jedes Mal wenn man sich im Supermarkt ein Brot kauft, wird ein Vertrag geschlossen. Wenn ich zu einem anderen Mobilfunkbetreiber wechsle, wird ein Vertrag geschlossen. Jedes Mal wenn jemand die Organspendekarte ausfüllt, legt man ein rechtlich bindendes Dokument ab.

    Wenn jemand nicht dazu in der Lage ist sein privates Leben, wozu Freund- und Liebschaften gehören, selbst zu regeln und auf die übergriffige Hilfe des Staates angewiesen ist, sollte man dieser Person auch wohl eher nicht die Geschäftsfähigkeit zurechnen oder gar die Erlaubnis aussprechen ein Kind halten zu dürfen.

  • Idgf if you call me a pedophile but they’re right with their point that the AOC is too high. Having a multiple-stage system like many advanced countries do, like Germany, where it begins with 14, loosens up with 16 and fully at 18 is good. That’s because it acknowledges the development of humans. Development is a process. Humans in reality are not a simplistic lifeform from a philosophical thought experiment, thinking that it should be illegal before one turns 18 and immediately legal a second thereafter is just nonsensical to me. It doesn’t cut off like that, there’s no such hard barrier or edge where it suddenly turns from morally bad to not morally bad.

  • duviobazto196Christmas rule
    1 year ago

    Exactly. There’s a massive difference between “wawhey” and “Hua Wai”. I was shocked when i first heard that it was supposed to be pronounced the first way