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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is what surprises me. His show, even in the early days, was never worth sticking around for. Rogan tried to be an actor long ago, had a whiff of success and then it fizzled out because he sucks. Then he tried to be a comedian, and that also had a whiff of success but fizzled out because he sucks. So he tried being a reality show host, got some traction, then failed out of that as well. His podcast is just his last attempt to be relevant and famous. And because he failed at the others he’s desperate enough for attention to do this kind of content with bigots and science deniers. He’s opportunistic trash.

  • I’m 48. I was dating five years ago, and now I’m married to a woman who doesn’t play games at all. So I’ll say this: when a date says “oh dear” or some such when you say you play games, that’s a red flag. Even if they don’t personally play, it’s pretty shitty for a partner (or potential partner) to try to make you feel bad about about your hobbies. Absolutely fuck that noise. They don’t have to like the same things, but it’s a whole other situation for them to tell you it’s dumb or wrong for you to like what you like. That goes double when you have kids and you play with them.

    I play games, I draw, and I play D&D. Hell, I just bought a Steamdeck and am goingto build an arcade cabinet with my stepson. My wife does none of that, and it’s super important to me that I not be shamed about my hobbies. I would never shame her about hers.

    There is no age cutoff. The idea that fun things are childish is a stupid concept pushed by boring people on the rest of us because they don’t know how to have fun anymore.

  • People sure like to dunk on PHP. I’ll take whatever flak for this, but this is the kind of meme a .NET fanboy or Ruby on Rails bro would make when they haven’t touched any languages other then their prescious, and don’t know wtf they’re talking about.

    PHP, after all these years, is STILL running 78% of all sites. That’s not because it’s garbage or the worst. It’s solid, reliable, mature and very well documented. And I say this as someone who has gladly moved to Python, but also work in in others.

    1. You get to decide who you are. No one can do this for you, although lots of people will try to define you.
    2. You also get to decide how much shit you’re willing to eat when it comes to your job. Some people have a higher tolerance than others. Just remember that your loyalty to a manager or company should be directly equal to how loyal they are to you. You don’t owe them a damn thing that they’re not paying you (fairly) for.
    3. No one is the boss of you. You’ll have managers, but don’t get into the mindset that these people can tell you what to do and that you have no choice.
    4. No one knows what they’re doing. As you get older you’ll begin to realize that the older people you thought had some knowledge that comes with being an “adult” don’t have things figured out either. Give yourself room to not have it figured out and to make mistakes. Everyone does.