There are some detailed instructions on the docs site, tho I agree it’d be nice to have in the readme, too.
Sounds like the dev was not expecting this much interest for the project out of nowhere so there will def be gaps.
There are some detailed instructions on the docs site, tho I agree it’d be nice to have in the readme, too.
Sounds like the dev was not expecting this much interest for the project out of nowhere so there will def be gaps.
Good to know. I only lost about 30 out of 5000 or so going from Spotify to Tidal. Seems like the catalog gaps for both Tidal and Quobuz have become less of an issue over the last few years.
The big annoyances were some playlists with orchestral and jazz albums that I had to find again via slightly different album names, but those are a mess on any platform due to re-releases and compilations being chaotic enough in that space as it is.
I’ve heard (annecdotaly) that Quobuz is much better for orchestral and instrumental music in general. Spotify wasn’t great for it. Tidal is a bit worse, but far superior than Spotify for Jazz at least.
I’d rather have it in my desktop workspace than nested in a web browser, plus it can integrate better with native media API’s for media buttons, notifications, and other items being aware of the audio, which the tidal web app doesn’t do out of the box.
Yep! It’s a good app overall, even has some improvements over what is shipped on macOS.
https://github.com/Nokse22/high-tide is new and promising for a better experience overall. I’d always prefer native over electron.
Absolutely! It works fairy well. A little clunky since the Linux support is bolted on after, but it’s not noticeably worse than the macOS experience. The extra options it offers over what tidal ships to macOS are also nice.
These non-native electron apps are all kinda junky for native music listening anyway. (This is a problem with Spotify’s desktop app as well)
Tbh, podcasts through a “storefront” is a poor way to experience them. It’s meant to be decentralized via RSS feeds. Tho having some cross-device metadata about what you’ve listened to is definitely helpful.
I’ve been using Pocket Casts for a long time for that more refined experience and ease of use between listening devices. Their new owners are ethically complicated nowadays (Automattic), and the cost for their pro features is a bit high unless you are a podcast fiend (I was grandfathered in from their old mid-2010s pricing scheme that was pay once/own forever), but it’s a good app (for now).
This is great to see. I ended up moving to Tidal from Spotify, and even though there are some nice to have features missing from Tidal (an equivilant to spotify’s sync between devices/speakers as well as a better Android Auto experience), it’s a far superior experience.
Quobuz is also on my radar, but they’ve traditionally lacked in the music catalog space. I need to give them a try again now that it’s been a few years.
That said, Tidal barely has Linux clients and I don’t think I’ve seen much movement for Quobuz on Linux, unless I’ve just missed it.
Absolutely, it’s expensive. Definitely better to share it with family and friends to equalize the cost.
I only consider it because I listen to a ton of music, my university degree was music, and I spend a lot of money on music generally.
Not FOSS, but something I’ve been considering is Roon. I switched to Tidal from Spotify (which is a legit improvement imho)
They have a self hostable option and the idea is to mix your personal library, Tidal, Quobuz, and recommendation engines into one app.
I did a similar jump a while back, actually went quite well, at least via docker. I kept the old image on hand in case I needed to revert.
But yes, backup first.
I think this is pretty easy to BS through though.
For sure. So far I’ve only used it for one batch of interviews so I’m not 100% set on it, but we used it as our last round to narrow down between a few finalists and we were already confident they were not people who would BS the excercise.
Yup, this is what I’ve always done for interviews.
Technical questions are purely to see what background someone has and how they explain or reason their way to some sort of answer. Its also nice to see if someone will say they don’t know something but offer their best guess, which is always a good indicator. I’ll usually provide the answer right away after they’ve answered, both to boost confidence for correct answers and because a quick explanation has a tendency to ease tension, especially if they then relate it to some other knowledge they have or suddenly recall the info with a little help.
The other thing I do is ask questions about disagreements with previous coworkers or managers. If someone starts explaining themselves into being superior to others, it’s a red flag. Its nice to get an idea for how someone resolves conflict or what kinds of complications they’ve run into, but I mostly just want to see how they view themselves compared to others.
I know my approach is sometimes strange to others doing hiring with me, but it’s all pulled from my time as an education major (I switched out after 3 years to another degree) and real world teaching experience. Good teachers ask questions to understand how a student learns and what they know broadly, not to get an exact percentage of points. (State/district testing requirements aside)
A new thing I’ve been trying instead of live coding is having people map out a loose architecture for some sort of API data process or frontend data process, then walking us through it. Its more or less a pseudo coding excercise, but it takes the stress of actual language knowledge away. I’m not sure if it’ll stick long run, but it’s been an interesting experience.
1 step at a time. The uphill battle is exhausting, but each small step makes the next a little easier. Plus, no one said you have to climb all the way up the hill in one go. Pause and build up energy every once in a while.
If i had advice for my previous self, itd be that going to a psychiatrist has been really helpful. they focus on 1 thing: meds. I wish I’d done that sooner tbh. Im seeing one who has their own part time practice since they’ve recently become certified, so its been nice having communication that isnt filtered through an office or comprehensive services offering (that isn’t to say there aren’t downsides in availability and responsiveness). i found them through word of mouth, which helped me get past the doom scrolling of the insurance lists.
I used some more ADHD specific/exclusive services for the few years prior and while it was a good start, it was only a partial solution and it was deeply impersonal.
May the Great Green Arkleseizure bless the author
Fwiw, they’ve open sourced the specification behind canvas, so there’s a good chance any OSS Obsidian “forks” that pop up if they do enshittify will be able to support it.
PCP’s do very basic screenings for these things and the screenings are not very well tailored to neurodivergence. On some level, I think as neurodivergent people we will answer the questions a bit too honestly and sometimes we’re overly self-aware in how we communicate difficulties which can seem like a bigger issue. PCP’s are generalists and they often aren’t offered enough resources due to insurance or office rules to do something more tailored to any individuals unique situation.
That said, it’s still good for them to do the screenings and bring it up since it’s always worth looking into if the signs are there.
I don’t know what your situation is or if you are getting ADHD treatment otherwise, but you might find that (if you are suffering from depression) it’ll be more obvious to you and you’ll find treatment for it and/or anxiety more helpful after getting ADHD-specific treatment started.
I also bounced off of depression and anxiety treatment before I’d started stimulants a few years ago. I started an SNRI a few months ago for depression symptoms (and as a symptom reducer for migraines, interestingly enough) and it became very clear to me that I WAS depressed, once the meds started working. I realized how much stress I was building up and holding onto, as well as how often I fell into mental rabbit-holes of negativity. The SNRI basically helps me hit the pause button on those kinds of triggers well before things build up.
If you haven’t considered it yet, try looking for a pyschiatrist. I’ve been working with a PNP (without having a current PCP, mind you, but my insurance doesn’t require one), and it’s been a breath of fresh air to focus on mental health needs without the doctors office baggage.
Personally, I’m not sure a diagnosis of Depression or Anxiety fits me per say, and but my next step on the treatment journey is to find a therapist to narrow down and/or identify the root cause, and build better skills outside of meds.
Its somewhat trivial nowadays to make a chrome extension compatible with firefox. I bet if you bother the dev of that site, they could get it done fast, especially since it’s a relatively simple thing to do via an extension and I highly doubt it’s using any WebExtension API’s that aren’t standardized between chrome and fieefox.
I’m switching to OSM, personally.
For android, OsmAnd is really solid and make editing easy. (Organic Maps is good too, but much less featured, depending on preferences.) I’ve started updating all the places I frequent and anything near me that I notice. Its actually kind of fun, to be perfectly honest. Its a small, somewhat selfless thing to do that has an impact on others around you.
IMHO, helping improve an open alternative for the community benefit is a far better act of resistance than a chrome extension that could easily be a GreaseMonkey script, aside from providing a bit of messaging.
Thats absolutely possible via the underlying WebPayments API. The payment “wallet” is linked in the HTML (at least for web pages, RSS, podcast RSS, etc) so someone could design an app that reads these links as QR codes.
The whole point of WebPayments is that and payment solution that you (the “spender”) wants to use which is compatible can be used to send money to any compatible wallet.
Whether the payment solution is via government backed, banking systems, or crypto, all it needs to be is compatible.
A valid concern. However, nothing is stopping people from doing the same right now with a big old forced Kofi/patreon/whatever banner, and I’m not sure that this changes that.
The advantage of this over current options is that like RSS, you can consume/deliver it however best suits you without needing to have different accounts of different platforms.
National debt doesn’t work like consumer debt bud. Learn some economics. Nor is the trump admin actually using it to pay down the debt.
Anyway, defunding the NOAA to pay off the national debt is like skipping a coffee, once, to pay down a mortgage on a house.