citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • The containment, of course, does not apply to itself as dronerights has gone back over to 196 on blåhaj to spread drama and further divide:

    While simultaneously talking shit about Ada the Blåhaj admin on i-spil-my-jice

    All of this is manufacturing drama for attention and trying to stir up inter-instance conflict wherever it can find hapless rubes to buy into its false narratives.

    Blåhaj didn’t want to put up with it’s behaviour so it came to hexbear to try to find a personal army.
    Hexbear stopped putting up with the behaviour so it went to to try to get sympathy and attention.
    Also creating an entire community it runs by itself for more drama and attention on to find a personal army over there.
    Not enough attention on and so back to blåhaj to try to get 196 as their personal army. (despite calling the instance and admin transphobic - no, probably because of it).
    All while telling hexbear, blåhaj,, that is also transphobic and ableist specifically against it.

    There is no sign of good faith intentions here. It wants people to fight and instigates conflict.

    📎 red flag

  • This is great! Haven’t seen Hungary’s before, that’s a fun one.

    The admin was receptive to this point but the policy stands for now.


    Equating Nazi symbolism with Soviet ones just feels like such a weird thing to do, there’s a reason Nazi symbols are banned in several (if not a majority) of European countries, but is not the case at all when it comes to soviet symbols. I think it’s specially disappointing because the image that was originally shared was a reference to the “spectre” line in the communist manifesto. The hammer and sickle symbol has a long history that supersedes the history of the Soviet Union as a state, even my “third-world country” in Latin America (I’m sure you can see in the logs where I’m posting from) has a history of using the symbol for liberatory causes.


    That’s a very important point, thanks for the comment. For me, such symbolism immediately associates with people glorifying the soviet union, but I understand that there can be lots of people out there who don’t associate it with Russia at all.

  • responded how the hammer and sickle are symbols of liberation in many parts of the world. The admin mentioned it was a good point but they still weren’t comfortable with it. Only 1 person caught a temp ban.

    The admin’s official statement on hexbear federation:

    For the time being, I have no plans to change our federation policy. I realize this is not what you want to hear, and I’m sorry to disappoint you. It’s just not a goal for to curate external instances for now.

    There are probably many instances out there that have horrible content (content which would get users banned if they posted it on, but vetting instances and maintaining a defederation list is a big effort, and I believe this effort is much better spent elsewhere.

    I’ve stated this in many other similar threads, but let me also reiterate here: the above should not be taken to mean that is some bastion of free speech absolutism. Users or communities breaking rules on are dealt with. Also, we do reserve the right to defederate any instance which starts causing problems for on a bigger scale (so in cases where banning individual users is not effective).

    I realize this is a topic where it’s impossible to make everybody happy, because each person has their own view on what should be federated or defederated. At the end of the day, for anything that’s not illegal or directly hurting, I believe it’s best to leave these decisions up to users - you can make your own choices with which users and communities you block, and I’m certain that soon you’ll have the tools built in to Lemmy itself to make the same decision on an instance level as well. And if that doesn’t work for you, then there’s always the possibility of joining a different instance with a different approach to federation.

    Admin has some bad political takes but still says “curate your own content or leave”.