That looks very nice!
Ced ᴸᴱᴰ
That looks very nice!
That looks great!
The Lamy Vista is epic!
If we’re not careful, it will be an infinite loop. Hahaha!
Nice, thanks Gorroth!
I honestly wasn’t aware you can change them.
Thanks so much for the product link and how-to, @Gorroth !
Wait, you can change the scales of the Swiss Army knives?
That looks dope!
I rotate my pens and inks randomly.
Looks very neat, and very portable. Nice!
+1 with explanation of @garrettw87
If you’re OK with linears for the alpha keys, Gateron Milky Blacks have a nice deep sound.
Looks awesome!
Thanks Sammy, will consider this.
Is the TS11 practical for evening walks, or should I just stick to flooders?
Lovely pen, and the nib is fire!
I believe the common practice is to buy an Orient or Seiko, then get a Strapcode bracelet for that model.