• 11 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • The standard advice is that you shouldn’t try to just create a triad (or quad), but instead each date separately. Sometimes triads form organically as a result of this (for example, if you and your metamour develop feelings for each other), but trying to force them is a recipe for disaster, and also comes with the ethical concerns that you mentioned.

    Since you mention yourself being the one that’s primarily poly, it may also be good to let your partner “go first” with dating people, to try to head off feelings of insecurity. Those can still happen, but it’s better if the more reluctant partner can dip into poly at their own pace, instead of feeling rushed into it.

  • We are, surprisingly enough, not very unified on that point. I used to be a non-voter, annoyed at the anarchists that would harangue me to vote. Now I’m a grudging voter, annoyed at the anarchists that harangue me *not* to vote. xD

    Both then and now, I maintain that anarchists should either vote or not, and then shut the hell up about it. The whole argument is just a lot of pointless bikeshedding about the most marginal effects.

    I think there’s a lot more agreement among anarchists that we shouldn’t get involved in or donate to electoral campaigns. We have better things to do with our time and resources.

  • Generally speaking, anarchy isn’t some lost golden age that anarchists want to return to, it’s something new that we want to create. Both past and present societies have anarchistic elements that we can draw inspiration from, but none of those societies really live up to our ideals.

    There are some that characterize anarchism as equivalent to direct democracy. I disagree with that, but I do think it can be categorized as a further evolution of democracy. Autonomous democracy, if you will. It retains the idea that everyone is equal and that we don’t need monarchs to govern us. However, where democracy sets up a centralized apparatus for majoritarian, society-wide rule-making and enforcement, in anarchy the rules are created and applied in a decentralized fashion where they are needed, by mutual agreement.

  • Interesting, this is the first I’ve heard of the “reputation rehab” angle on the guy. Do you have any further reading you could link me to?

    Rather than going full Inglorious Basterds, I think it’s important to have both “carrot” and “stick” options for these people. It doesn’t really do us any good if there’s no way to come back from having been involved in hate groups. Just make sure to keep the Richard Spencer treatment available, to provide them some motivation to get their heads right.

  • It’s yet another demonstration of how ineffective electoralism is at stopping fascism. The Democratic Party is centrist (or center-left if we’re being generous). Centrism isn’t really an ideology, just a strategy for winning elections. Principles are just tools to be either used toward that end, or discarded. It does tend to be pretty effective, which is why it’s so prevalent.

    Fascists, however, are committed to gaining power *by any means necessary*. While centrists are constrained by rules and norms, fascists have no such limitation. By discarding any moral restraints, fascists become far more effective at the centrist strategy than centrists could ever hope to be. In turn, the centrists are forced to double down on discarding any principles that they may have grown attached to, following the lead of the fascists in an attempt to catch up.