Independent investigative journalist. Covers cybercrime, security, privacy. Author of ‘Spam Nation,’ a NYT bestseller. Former Washington Post reporter, '95-'09. Twitter: @briankrebs Linkedin: Maybe. I don’t spend enough time in the city to know about that. But I do check Wapo anytime before I go into DC for this reason and while there was a story halfway down the homepage about the planned protest, there wasn’t anything about the street closures
Incidentally, I’m not seeing anything about this on, which is a little surprising just from a hey-did-you-know perspective, if not actually covering the protests. was totally planning to pop in but couldn’t get over that direction. kept getting redirected away. when I circled back further around even more roads were blocked. I feel for the Shmoo attendees
@wonderofscience @bugs This is somehow exactly what I needed rn. Thanks!
was actually a gorgeous day out. But i’ve been in dc enough to know when to get out because they were closing streets left and right as I was trying to leave.