I’ve been using linux for ~17 years or so and I just realized the other day that there can be multiple “pages” in a manual
No, I don’t want to talk about it
I’ve been using linux for ~17 years or so and I just realized the other day that there can be multiple “pages” in a manual
No, I don’t want to talk about it
Oh I remember what it does…I do not remember how it does.
I would be the odd one out if I did. Hell, my general manager curses more than I do. It’s just how it is in my line of work.
Should’ve checked the comments before I flipped it myself
Can’t be worse than the last adaptation of beyond the wall of sleep
Goblin shark is my number one
Jesus Divided by Zero Christ
gonna have to steal that one
What does the “cl” stand for?
It’s just a puzzle game…that I have never ever played and beaten. You can’t prove anything!
Don’t forget about the cosmic horrors. Those are fun too.
This might actually get me to buy skyrim.
I didn’t have too much trouble up until the first real boss. Thankfully there was a save point pretty close by so I just threw myself at it more times than I’d like to admit.
I love this guy. Pure mad scientist vibes, just loves playing with chemicals in a shack.
Land of snow and sorrow, Wintersun
“Over yonder” is a casual phrase that’s used to indicate the general direction or location of a place or thing, usually accompanied by a finger pointing in a rough direction.
Not according to my mom. Growing up “over yonder” or “in yonder” was the location of the thing I needed to grab for her…no direction was specified.
“Go grab the thing for me in yonder”
“In yonder”
guilty as charged. I played the demo a while back and I’ve been waiting patiently for the full version ever since
While I wouldn’t call it my favorite, I did really like it and I’m not afraid to admit it.
Ellipse selection -> fill with black -> new layer -> shrink selection by 1 pixel -> fill with white? It’s been a while since I’ve really used gimp.