Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world
Speaks: se,en,fr
Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist
I came out a little less than a month ago and have had a long time where I never remembered my dreams, but those where I did, I always presented male inside the dream. In just the past few days I’ve started remembering pretty much every dream I’ve had, and in all of them I’ve been presenting fem.
It always felt off that I was masc in my dreams when that did not at all feel right. I have not started hormones yet, only social transition as of now, but it feels very validating in that sense to finally see myself in my dreams as well.
I mostly use Guix and Debian. An official Guix package would be pretty rad if it could be done, otherwise I might be able to create a patch to add it when I get time if it meets the submission criteria.
Not a native speaker of French, but while “on” can be used as singular “they,” it is much more often used to say “one,” as in: “One could eat a meal.” I think “iel” is better because it is distinctly a third person singular personal pronoun. Sure, it is not as well established, but it is in at least one big respected dictionary.
I mean, they have already escaped justice for sex crimes because of their wealth and power, so in effect it would make no difference.
Which flag is that in Hyfetch? Don’t know if I’ve seen it before :)
Huh, my experience is that it has worked very well for just that, thus my recommendation.
Is this something that OnlyOffice could solve? They aim for strict compatibility with MS Office IIRC and it’s been working really well for me.
Another vote for Debian here. Very low-maintenance distro and you can install it with as many or as few packages as you wish.
Free Software, as defined by the FSF, cannot restrict commercial use, and the OSI says the same about Open Source.
SMB is weird, do you have the option to run NFS on the share instead? Since NFS is made for Unix systems, it’s what I’ve always gone for.
They didn’t. The rootkit just does not run on mac, they disable it entirely for that client.