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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2024


  • Who is “this expert?”

    The idea that China and Russia have such a great interest in the state of Israel that the would collectively give even half of what the US gives is utterly insane. You’re being challenged because what your saying is nonsense. Again, even if they could cobble together enough support to find trade deals would pale in to what the US gives for free. The idea that the commitments the US has to Israel are so ironclad that we have to keep sending more bombs to a state committing genocide, shows how absurd your view is.

    It’s clear you have some significant cognitive dissidence over the reality of what the US is doing to aid an active genocide by a rogue state that committing acts of terror and escalating tensions in an unstable region. With that you’ve picked some number of experts that support your delusion, and harp on how impossible it would be to stop, on how they would find some other way. There is nothing that would be comparable to what the US gives to Israel, and the US has no obligation to give weapons to those committing war crimes. Stop lying to yourself and admit that this blood is on America’s hands.

  • I am not asking for all the answers, I am asking where could they get a fraction of the support they currently have?

    I will grant you some things are complicated. “How do we get enough bombs to commit genocide” is a complicated question, and Israel currently has a single and seemingly endless answer in the US. So the one question I continue to have is where else would they go to replace what the US does for them? If it would make it more difficult and reduce the ability to commit a genocide, isn’t that better?

    I find it interesting that you were so confident before saying ‘they would just go to China or Russia’, but instantly fall to nebulous “negotiations would ensue” and cries of the complicated nature when getting any push back.

    The lone question you still seem so adverse to considering: If they didn’t get billions in bombs from the US, how else could Israel do this? Because you seem to believe with such certainty they could.