Did not expect the government situation to deteriorate so fast, tho.
(They/Them) I like TTRPGs, history, (audio and written) horror and the history of occultism.
Did not expect the government situation to deteriorate so fast, tho.
Yeah, it’s rather exhausting to hunt down information about some of these things. Like, I can usually find info on who owns a news site, but sometimes I don’t have the context to know if they’ve been doing shady shit. Keeping track of things is (purposefully) difficult. Like, I found this resource but it is out of date. I am using ublocklist to slowly add to a list of news sites to make it so that I check them as I see them. If anything comes of that, I’ll post here or something?
Trying to balance gathering online resources and personal stuff. Working on being a more positive influence in discussions I have online, which is draining.
Do we have any good resources on what isn’t in this situation. My current research is turning up very little that doesn’t suffer from this problem- I think all I have right now is AP.
After doing some cursory research, I’ve identified uBlacklist as a potential tool for curating your search results. I have seen some reassuring things about it. If anyone else has suggestions or comments, they are welcome.
Wanted to add to this as well: In 20 US states, the minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. If someone is working minimum wage, this represents almost three weeks of work- more, because of income taxes. It would represent the consumption of, like, 20% of your gross income?
So that’s going to kill people, either directly or by overwork.
The source for the data is from the Tax Foundation, which is ostensibly non-partisan, but their president and CEO worked as policy staff for three different Republicans, so YMMV.
Time to find more tools to blacklist specific news sites.
Hey, I wanted to say I’m sorry for using ambiguous language there. My time studying history has profoundly affected me, so I tend to use “Opinion” to mean “What’s your understanding and reasoned analysis of X thing?”
The alternate implications slipped my mind when I posted. My bad!
I wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts and I think we’re actually on the same page with regards to current AI technology. I do recognize that a lot of people are interested in using it, and that they will continue to highly value the functionality it has. My objections to it are, of course, related to secondary concerns and problematic social issues- which I think you understand based on your post.
Hey! Are you up to talking about your opinions on the value of current AI technology? I’m personally opposed due to how our society has chosen to organize itself, but I think the basic concept is interesting.
Totally agree! It’s not even on the article’s list of things to be concerned about.
Bill proposed by Senator Cassidy, and cosponsored by Cruz and Loeffler, what a surprise. Link to Bill
Fighting hypervilgilance that wants me to keep track of all the new everywhere all the time, since I know that I’m as safe as I can be in the US and if something big happens I have lots of channels of information to find out about it. Just need to focus on my life and the little joys I can have, like making a cup of tea and enjoying this absurd song I heard that’s kind of a dance club remix of a synthetic voice reading PR stuff about queer people? It’s honestly great.
I feel you. This isn’t the life we should have had, and it’s deeply unfair that we have to live in it. I’m also just trying to live each day. <3
That looks lovely, and the recipe’s ingredients list seems really attainable. I should try to make this!
Thanks for sharing this. I always appreciate a well-cited piece of folklore, and especially since you went through the effort of translating it.
I especially enjoyed the calm familiarity of the priest. I’ve been reading up on renaissance magic and the presence of clergy is prominent, so it is personally amusing.
Yeah, asymmetrical horns are not my jam in helms. 😆 I’m glad you’re having fun with it, I really enjoyed the parts I played. I’m just really scared of water monsters- can’t play subnatica, can’t deal with terrors of the deep.
What an interesting and novel way of presenting this information. It’s interesting that the Will O’ Wisp stories all cluster, while the others are much more spread out.
Oh thanks, this does look pretty killer. I haven’t gotten into a MOBA in a while but something fresh and different could tempt me. I’ll add this to my queue!
You know, sometimes being a marginalized person with a modicum of awareness makes you feel like Cassandra- you just know what’s coming for your whole life, and the exact details may shift but the pattern is familiar, unsurprising and disappointing. I always knew that the christo-fascist take over of our government would be a lot of stupid, heinous shit, but I didn’t expect plague to feature so prominently. I’d honestly thought we were done with that particular horseman.