YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • yeah idk lol I can kinda see the vagueness that allows for other interpretations, but I thought it was pretty clear that it was just poking fun at liberals who think those are fully separate areas and we can address social issues without so much as touching capitalism. or more succintly, a poking fun at “centrists”

  • Nope. FAFSA imposes much stricter requirements than simply filing taxes as independent.

    I was wrong about age, it’s age 24 not 26 though.

    Here are the factors that will get you out of having parental income count against you:

    • being 24 or older as of Jan 1 of the school year
    • being married
    • being a grad student
    • having dependents yourself
    • being in the military or a veteran
    • Having been recently orphaned/put into foster care/emancipated
    • being homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless

    *If you don’t answer “yes” to any of the questions above, you’re still considered a dependent student for purposes of applying for federal student aid even if you don’t live with your parents, are not claimed by your parents on their tax forms, or are paying for your own bills and educational expenses.

    Maybe tax filing status affects how much money you get even if it doesn’t change your dependent status, but you aren’t considered actually independent at all unless one of the above applies

  • they aren’t as immediate for sure, and have felt a little flaky to me. This is because instead of every hexbear tab holding open a websocket connection and receiving live updates over that (nice for notifications but caused huge headaches in basically every other way), everything now happens asynchronously via the HTTP API, so you are at the mercy of your browser polling that API occasionally in the background for new notifs

    but there could be bugs in the implementation on top of that, it wouldn’t be surprising, especially considering how recent and rushed the switch away from websockets was.

    If anyone can find a series of steps that reliably trigger a failed notification when one should be sent, that would greatly help the devs in finding the responsible bugs in the code

  • megi is the name of the kernel dev from czechia. He’s put in a lot of work and he’s pretty active in the matrix chats, but he’s not big on upstreaming his changes and some of his side projects he doesn’t even release the code… this seems like a good summary

    I think he might be doing a bit of “making himself necessary” in the ecosystem of A64 based devices tbh, You can’t entirely blame him but its bad for the community long term.

    Manjaro is a mess though yeah, I used it for a while since it came on the pinebook/pinephone but I had to nope out.

    Plan9 is pretty befuddling still ngl but I’m starting to like what I see. I might have to install it on a raspberry pi and see what the fuss is about

  • Partly inspired by this comment I actually fixed my melty pogo pin so I could switch back to using the keyboard! It wasn’t bad. I already had the pine64 replacement pins that are supposed to be a bit better, and thankfully the hole for the pin wasn’t totally destroyed like the ones I’ve seen pictures of online, so I just gave it a nudge with a soldering iron and it settled back into its proper position/angle.

    Agreed on pine64’s approach. I’m fine if they don’t want to be a software company but they need to just pay some kernel developers to get hardware support done and mainlined quickly for new devices if they want them to succeed. Their model almost kinda worked for the OG pinephone, there was enough buzz and development effort to get it to a usable state, but starting over all that work from scratch for every new device with little to no investment from the company that’s actually collecting the money for these things is so demoralizing. the pinephone/tab/book all just rely on one guy in czechia for the kernel support who is just hoping that if he doesn’t release his source some company will contract him to do similar work for their products. and the distro situation isn’t better, pretty sure the “official” ish distro for the pinetab 2 is danctnix which is just run by one very busy weeb hobbyist as far as I can tell lol

    But yeah honestly low level software and hardware stuff is mostly over my head. it’s cool though, I try to always check it out when I get a chance. What do you even do on a plan 9 system? seems like it’d be hard to do anything resembling the modern web or run most applications on a system that obscure. but I also know next to nothing about it