have you tried updating?
have you tried updating?
There are many places on Earth where DNS servers have high latency, low bandwidth, and intermittent connectivity, yet still function fine. It’s already a solved problem.
Calling for the obvious action in response to a complaint is not homework. It’s Wikipedia, it can be edited by anyone who is willing to deal with the process.
If you or OP doesn’t want to do it, someone else will - and they already have, it seems.
This is, in fact, exactly what I pointed out. The former article is thoroughly cited, so it would be likely included.
The latter article is poorly cited and likely violates some rule, so it should be nominated for deletion (and it has been).
OP says about “write credulous shit about ‘AI’” implying that both articles are non-credulous. The former article is thoroughly cited.
OP clearly doesn’t want either article to exist. I’m simply asking what’s the source that goes against the existing article and its citations.
Nothing would stop you from running a DNS server on Mars and handling requests locally.
The prompt engineering article has 61 sources. Why should it not exist? What’s your source for that?
If the vibe coding article violates the rules, nominate it for deletion and cite the rules then.
please just use a normal youtube link instead of this broken invidious proxy
if CWs bother you, you can turn them off in most fedi clients
that type of CW is mostly for people with eating disorders
no one in this screenshot is from mastodon.social
ok doomer
that th joke
not really
What a poorly written article. They didn’t even explain what SAI was.
whatever it is you’re trying to do, be careful that your pi-hole DNS on port 53 is not exposed to the internet. otherwise your server will be abused for DDOS amplification attacks.