LAMY safari with the LAMY purple ink. Nothing fancy.
I was amazed at how much easier they were on my hands. Ballpoints suck, esp the shitty thin ones.
god I love the 1.1. I wish the barrel was easier to hold though, the smooth round plastic is hard to grip.
I have had fountain pens come into my life a weird number of times. As a pretty young kid my great aunt gave me a calligraphy set that used fountain pens. In middle school I found an old pen of my mom’s and stole it out of their office, using it until highschool (RIP mystery pen, you will forever be missed). As an adult I had a pack of them find their way into a bookstore order and decided that 3 is a pattern and started using them regularly.
I never realized how nice writing could be. I thought pens were just supposed to hurt your hand! My handwriting got so much better when I wasn’t struggling to get the letters out as quickly as possible.
lovely base on that.