I really like the dynamics between Angela and Rozanna, it’s really wholesome.
I really like the dynamics between Angela and Rozanna, it’s really wholesome.
If I turn out to have more time at my new job, I plan to start thrid campaign (alongside 5e and Blades in the Dark campaigns I’m running now), and make it WFRP for two people who ran it to me + maybe one other person
Paladin leveled up enough to get Spirit Guardians. I like this approach to roleplaying learning new spells, I may need to think how to utilize it in my game
So what I get from this is that Tyr is a bro and Volo sucks.
Fun fact about druids - in their tradition pretty much every break from the norm, like writing things down or cutting herbs wrong, was punishable by being clubbed to death.
Fun fact two: In France Druids were exterminated by Romans with help of Bards. Bards were basically a competting sect of the same faith with Druids and they sided with Romans to save their own skins and eliminate their rivals.
Downloaded, I always welcome new games to try.
One of my favorite things about this page is that it can be read as intended, let to right, or can be read right to left like a manga, and it still tells an internally coherent, but entierly opposite story.
For me it’s playing Warhammer Fantasy. Where you roll a peasant and die of cholera.
Wait, is that person in the last panel, by any chance, the Paladin lady from Neverwinter Nights?
I’m seriously having fun making the builds, this may grow into a backlog similiar to d&d characters…
Thait is reassuring, thank you
Sent the DM
it looks harder than it actually is.
You explained the part I got, I don’t get the Phineas & Ferb or the title.
That, though, raises another question, because if the conspiracy theories are so easy to debunk that no rational person believes them, why worry about their existence?
Most people aren’t rational, that’s why.
I don’t get it.
there’s like ten different ways people call the update - OneD&D, OD&D, ODD, 5.5, 5e 2024, 5.24. We have to wait and see which one will stick, I just hope it’s not Od&D because that one was already used for original White Box.
If I had a penny every time Marvel made beefy Russian guy with whips, I would have two pennies. Which isn’t much but it’s weird there’s two of them.
I did not expect to find Angela has connections to THAT Guild, if I’m reading the hinds correctly.
I admire your dedication and hard work soo much, keep it up, your comic is lovely.