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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Our HR “coordinates” with us and it’s not much better.

    The form clearly states that they start on the 15th, then ask on the 10th why the user can’t start work.

    They put the wrong office location so we ship their equipment to the office listed on the form then ask why the user can’t start work.

    They send an immediate termination notice for a user that leaves at the end of the month, then ask why the user can’t work.

    They mark that the new hire doesn’t need a laptop on the new hire form, then ask why the user can’t work.

    It’s almost like the forms are intended to convey information for others to act on.

  • Seriously. I only finished the main Book of the Fallen series this early this year and just can’t get interested in anything else fantasy now.

    It’s one thing to make you feel something when a character you’ve been with for 10 books dies, but when an author can do the same with a character you’re with for a handful of pages, it’s something else.

    !Abasard’s death in Reaper’s Gale still resonates with me. !<

  • I’m not watching the show, I just happened to be browsing All and caught your post and read your reviews. I remember being shouted down on the other site in the Fantasy and Books subs for disliking what I’d read of the series and wanted to offer my thoughts. I’m also always looking to find good recommendations. I just finished the main Malazan series this year and while it was a struggle, I felt like there were constant rewards for the struggle.

    I came late to fantasy in general. I was a sci-fi kid (except for Tolkien) until after college, so I was pickier to start with. I’m middle aged now and have limited free time so I’m much more judicious with my DNF rating anymore. I’ve also mellowed out so I’m not about to knock anyone for liking something I don’t.