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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • It comes from people that haven’t bought the Zionist line, don’t accept Israeli propaganda at face value or that have eyes and can see what is happening in Gaza. The rest is your personal bias getting in the way. This is evidenced by your desire to call any disagreement anti-Semitism to quell discussion. Being anti-Israel bombing the shit out of Gaza is not anti-Semitism and if you cannot see that distinction you are pointless to talk to. That you see support for Palestinians as support for Hamas is another glaring Blindspot you seem to have.

    Stop using anti-Semitism as a cudgel when you cannot defend the indefensible, it is gross.

  • Hey look you did the thing I just was mentioning…

    I noticed the zionists seem to like saying that gaza isn’t being carpet bombed and such so how do you explain :

    “Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne — some of the world’s heaviest-ever bombings are remembered by their place names,” said Robert Pape, a US military historian and author of Bombing to Win, a landmark survey of 20th century bombing campaigns. “Gaza will also go down as a place name denoting one of history’s heaviest conventional bombing campaigns.” from the financial times (non paywalled no excuses link https://archive.ph/DSZ1b/ )

    They even have pretty graphs showing how it is worse.

    Oh and since you seem to think TIME is an issue for me tell me how fast was the WW2 bombing vs everything since Oct 7??

    Nevermind I’ll just tell you since your propaganda addled brain (yea that’s an insult you nazi wannabe) will try to block it out. “By contrast, over the space of two years, between 1943 and 1945, the Allied bombing of 61 major German cities razed an estimated 50 per cent of their urban areas, according to Pape.”

    Odd how these things seem bad even in the light of history, maybe Israel can get all the way to # 1 on the charts!!!

  • LOL you are amazing at justifying your bullshit.

    I noticed the zionists seem to like saying that gaza isn’t being carpet bombed and such so how do you explain :

    “Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne — some of the world’s heaviest-ever bombings are remembered by their place names,” said Robert Pape, a US military historian and author of Bombing to Win, a landmark survey of 20th century bombing campaigns. “Gaza will also go down as a place name denoting one of history’s heaviest conventional bombing campaigns.” from the financial times (non paywalled no excuses link https://archive.ph/DSZ1b/ )

    They even have pretty graphs showing how it is worse.

    Oh and since you seem to think TIME is an issue for me tell me how fast was WW2 vs everything since Oct 7?? Nevermind I’ll just tell you since your propaganda addled brain (yea that’s an insult you dipshit) will try to block it out. “By contrast, over the space of two years, between 1943 and 1945, the Allied bombing of 61 major German cities razed an estimated 50 per cent of their urban areas, according to Pape.”

    Odd how these things seem bad even in the light of history, maybe Israel can get all the way to # 1 on the charts!!!

  • Because they don’t have the means to fight back and win. Because if they insist on intifada they will end up with nothing. --DarkGamer

    They are unlikely to win but if they did, yes, the consequences would be existential. It wasn’t long ago that Israel was the underdog in this conflict. --DarkGamer

    So they are both weak and strong. Hrm right out of the fascists handbook.

    Keep telling us who you are when you get back from your goose-stepping practice.