It’s peak 2025 computer humor too. It’s great!
Sorry for scaring developers
Norwegian proot with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation
Former account at Kbin
It’s peak 2025 computer humor too. It’s great!
They should’ve written “push me harder~” on the label
Venter til han finner ut at det finnes et innebygget instrument i de fleste biler som holder kontroll på tid og avstand…
I wonder if youtube buffers the ad in the background as you’re watching a video. That could explain why your actual video buffers but the ad plays just fine.
Oh I’d sit there too, watching people walk by
we break you down so that you can be built up as a better person
Pov: me when I cook
About 3 years ago, I was looking for emeralds at a closed emerald mine when I had the brilliant idea of hitting a random rock with my pickaxe. Turns out the rock was harder than the pickaxe, so a piece of the metal broke off and flew into my finger. I was 10s of hours away from any hospitals, and the metal curved around the bone of my finger, so I had to take my dad’s camping knife and cut the thing out. This was at a camping spot, so I had running water, but it wasn’t easy.
Oh no not the bed sheets
Aren’t pretty much all storefronts searchable, or is it a Europe thing?
I shop primarily local and find stores with ddg/Google/Google maps. I live in a country where Amazon doesn’t exist, and shipping takes at least 3-7 days, so I’ve always bought stuff from local stores. Of course not everything is sold in a physical store, for which you’ll probably have to use ebay.
I feel this sooo much
I keep forgetting that some people need vpns to torrent.