Hmm, Punk Crocs…
Hmm, Punk Crocs…
Since it’s the only one I listen to anymore, I gotta say Castle Superbeast is my favorite.
I’m currently using a pair of them for pour-over in a Hario V60. As others have mentioned, they do taste differently than paper filters. I rinse them thoroughly after each use, then hang just inside a sunny window to dry quickly. I also alternate each day between the two that I have, so that each one has an extra day to stay dry. Doing this while boiling them once a month or so keeps them well cleaned, no odors or odd tastes. However, you do end up using a decent amount of water over time to keep them clean; it’s unclear if saving a year’s worth (how long two CoffeeSocks last according to the manufacturer) of paper filters is worth the extra water consumption. I’m thinking of switching to paper myself, and keeping these as a backup.
Ah, I wasn’t aware of the double-binding for gamepads, that’s good to know. As a ~95% FA-off pilot (the feel of that flight model is like half the reason I play), I can sympathize.
You’re welcome! I should also mention that AntiMicroX has been a lifesaver ever since I got a throttle and a stick that have more than 32 buttons. Because that’s the limit that E:D can see on one device, I just use AMX to map the remaining buttons to keyboard keys.
I’ve played for years using various Thrustmaster and VKB sticks, throttles, and rudder pedals on Slackware, Funtoo, Void, and Tumbleweed. VR works ok too, though less performant post-Odyssey.
Yep, been using it as my daily driver for a few years now, aside from trying out OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for a few months. I’ve settled on running it with sway as my wm for the time being. I’ve generally been pretty happy with it. I like the package manager and the relative simplicity of the system, which requires a bit more work to set up but seems easier to understand/fix when something goes wrong (usually user error in my experience, lol.) The developers also proved that they could learn from their mistakes with a minimum of drama after the whole kerfluffle with the original creator. Most packages that I need that aren’t in the repo can be had with flatpak. Overall, a relatively pleasant Linux distro experience.
Edit: Forgot to mention, in my experience an actually stable AND rolling release distribution!
Btw, here is a small void linux community for lemmy. It doesn’t appear to be very active, but hopefully that will change with time.
I found this handy guide
which I believe accomplishes what you’re trying to do. You can get app_id by running swaymsg -t get_tree
. However, if you’re launching within foot you may have to force a different app_id/title with foot’s options so that you can launch foot elsewhere for other things. I do this with htop like so: foot -T htop -a htop htop
. This sets the title to htop, the app_id to htop, and then finally launches htop within foot.
I will second Bazzite, with the additional note that I’ve needed to use Feral Gamemode to get rid of microstuttering and other minor performance issues. But, that’s not really different from any other distro I’ve tried gaming on (Void, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Funtoo).