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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2022


  • In Marxist terms, the state is a tool of class oppression, it is the machinery by which one class imposes its will on all others. Under capitalism (or rather, under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (DotB), like e.g. the US, UK, France, Brazil, etc.) it is the bourgeois class who controls the state and uses it to oppress the proletariat (and any remnants of prior classes like the peasantry). In a dictatorship of the proletariat (DotP), that structure is inverted and the proletariat uses the state to oppress the bourgeoisie (and any remnants of say, aristocracy or whatever).

    The idea is that in a DotP, the bourgeoisie will eventually become proletarianized and, after a long enough period when there are no more bourgeoisie, there will be no more proletariat (as classes are defined in terms of the conflict between them). Without a class system, there will be no longer any reason for the state - as that tool of class oppression to exist. All that will be left in terms of governance, will be the administration of things. You still need to manage healthcare, housing, transport, etc.

  • A lesson never to trust someone that supports a one party state that banned all opposition parties, all independent media, that abducts men off the street to feed to their meatgrinder (disproportionately from ethnic minority regions), that has an OG Nazi collaborator for a national icon, that spent 8 years trying to genocide civilians for daring to speak the ‘wrong’ language. A state that has multiple neo-nazi paramilitaries (not just Azov, though they are the most famous and ‘lauded’ by western liberals showing their true fascist tendencies), where even amongst regular soldiers it’s shockingly impossible to find any not wearing some Nazi patch or other. Someone who ‘supports’ that, or plays it down is not someone to be reasoned with, just tell them to post hog and move on.