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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Nitrogen Hypoxia will render you unconscious in under a minute when its almost pure n2 and exhaust is accounted for to remove co2. The last execution was done on such a sloppily manner you seriously have to question if the procedure was done in such a way that to ensure maximum suffering. The mask used didn’t allow co2 to be vented away, their method of execution was only one step up from wrapping a bag around his head.

    A proper way to do it, probably not done because cost and some stupid unnecessary procedure, would be to construct a booth around a chair with exhaust fans near the base and a supply of pure n2 coming from the top. If the o2 and co2 can be removed quickly enough the body can’t tell its not getting enough to breath and loss of consciousness can happen quickly with death following in minutes. Smarter Every Day has a video on Hypoxia where Dusten, the content creator, is an altitude simulator where they are lowering the air pressure to simulate high altitude and by extension just a few short steps from a death chamber. The host goes through several stages of hypoxia and had to be told point blank to put his oxygen mask back on several times before he risks passing out. At no point does he show signs of pain or distress and if anything acting almost like hes high.

    Building a chamber like this for executions would have been far more humane but they didn’t want to put more thought or money into it than strangling a guy so instead you get that botch job Alabama used.

  • In general I’d say yes if you like modern final fantasy where combat isn’t turn based and there is a lot more flavor to flesh out the world and NPC than games in the 90s could hope to perform. Pretty graphics, Decent overall voice acting, minigames that usually don’t overstay their welcome and you never feel caught up in one area too long. If you actually learn the various mechanics Id say the games are actually pretty easy overall, most people I see complaining don’t even know how combos work, or trying to button mash the same combo onto an optional boss.

    90s (j)RPGs were a different breed all together compared to games today that have that title, so while knowledge of the first game would let you in on the fanservice and call back moments, those aren’t required and I’d be betting more than half of the people who played remake or rebirth never played the other FF7 games. In fact some players who did were upset that some characters or scenes were changed quite drastically because what was okay in '97 definitely would not be well recieved by wider audiences in '24

  • Nuclear only has one caveat is the price.

    It’s the safest, bar none. More people died constructing the Hoover Dam than died in relation to Chernobyl and Fukushima combined.

    It uses the least amount of land per megawatt produced. This applies both in raw terms of reactor size to generators, turbines or solar panels, or if you include all land needed to mine, process, refine, construct and decommission a form of energy. Cadmium based roof top solar is the only thing that comes close, which is not just niche use as no single building footprint can hope to produce enough power for a single floor, let alone high density structures, but cadmium based solar is also ridiculously expensive. And this metric fails to mention how inefficient battery storage for things like solar is, which further inflates the land use.

    In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, be it carbon, methane and other climate devastating, Nuclear is the lowest in terms of emissions, and those emissions are all front loaded as part of the construction and mining process, which can theoretically be lowered with more RnD into greener practices for those industries.

    So we have a source of power that is safe, efficient and proven that would allow us to put more land aside for conservation efforts which would help with carbon capture as well as lower emissions. And the only major downside is the higher upfront cost? Take a guess what’s going to happen to energy costs if we continue the current course and climate collapse continues to happen.

  • Zerg are pretty much useless to the Borg though because their adaption is entirely reliant on the knowledge and memories of the assimilated. They took over entire worlds in pursuit of knowledge to subdue 8472. And failed at every attempt in alpha canon.

    The Zerg use a psionic hivemind, the vast majority of Zerg strains are not sentient, or effectively puppets for the sapient commanders of the swarmz usually cerebrates and later broodqueens, even things live Overlords are just relays.

    The Borg have never been shown capable or willing to apply genetic modifications to drones, such as enhancing human drones with the physical abilities of vulcans or klingons that the nanites and implants don’t already imbue. Since Zerg evolution and mutations aren’t tech based, the borg can’t replicate it, which was their goal for 8472 in being able to use that tech for their own ends.

    Borg ships also don’t have shields, so it’s just going to be drop pods infesting cubes and eating them inside out for biomass and infesting the rest of the structure for use as mobile hive clusters. It the 8472 were able to overcome nanites with their own immune systems, the Zerg would equally be able to become immune to such attacks particularly if Abjuthar had any part in it.

  • I think you’re putting far to much faith in people willing to vote ®, their base would vote for them even as their families are sent to labor and death camps, while undecided and ‘independent’ voters will cast their ballot entirely on the last headline or 72 hours.

    To me this reeks of Greene and other Magots realizing their wing of the party is imploding and will have to find a place in what ever GOP comes out the otherside of this election and the next midterm. Trump’s decline makes it pretty obvious they need someone else’s coattails to grab onto and rally around, so she’s trying to be the loudest voice in the room to be part of the new power structure if not the face of it.