PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I haven’t been directly involved in a contract negotiation, but I’ve listened to my union leadership talk about the bargaining process enough to pick up on a few things:

    • Check and see if you can find out what similar unions in your area have won out of their most recent contract. It will both give you a baseline of what you can reasonably expect, but also may be what management themselves will use as precedent so you’ll be prepared either way.
    • Management offers often have a way of being presented in a similar manner as a slimy car salesman trying to pull the wool over your eyes with a great-sounding monthly rate that’s actually more expensive in the long term. Be prepared to run the math on their offers and counteroffers, especially when they say something like “well we can’t give you X, but we’ll give you Y which is better” as often it sounds nice but the math doesn’t pan out. This is particularly an issue with signing bonuses as they sound great to members, an extra grand in my next paycheck!, but you might run the numbers and see that the benefit you had to give up for it would have saved your members twice that over the life of the contract.

  • Oooh fun. I’ll start with fast fashion chain H & M and the abuses in their supply chains

    More than 540 workers at factories that supply the two retailers have described incidents of threats and abuse, according to two separate reports published last week by Global Labour Justice on gender-based violence in Gap and H&M’s garment supply chains.

    The reports claim that these allegations, recorded between January and May this year in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, are a direct result of pressure for quick turnarounds and low overheads.

    Not third world but global issues with H & M’s emissions that damage the third world by extension:

    Furthermore, one pillar of H&M’s sustainability strategy is “Circular and Climate Positive”, the company aims to become a fully circular business that is climate positive by 2040. Yet H&M’s net emissions of direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gasses increased by 18% in 2020. This result is interesting as the COVID-19 pandemic reportedly led to reduced orders and production. As such, they have seen a smaller demand for clothing and still produced more emissions of greenhouse gasses, this also goes to show that they do produce more than demanded.

  • I don’t think shielding them outright is the real purpose with this law, as this passage hints at:

    Speaking with The Gazette last week, Mason City’s Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Bridgette Exman argued it was “simply not feasible to read every book and filter for these new requirements.”

    These laws are constructed such that it isn’t, here’s the list of banned books, but rather giving districts vague, open-ended requirements knowing there’s no realistic way to comply. That way a group of busy body zealots can find the ones that fell through the cracks, they bring lawsuits, the state can fiscally punish the school, and Fox And Friends can talk about it as an example of the culturally insert fascist dog whistle agenda to poison our youth. It’s about creating ammo for the culture war and austerity regimes.

  • I was worried about that with some of the wife’s extended family, conservative Catholics, some cops, but surprisingly the reaction has been okay so far from them. Accepting, but I wouldn’t call the reaction excited.

    Yeah, kid ended up being nonchalant about it. A smidge of confusion about what would happen if she wanted to get married to a woman but we sort of side stepped that by saying she wants to be single, which is true. And yeah, not a place where we have to worry about culture warriors making our life difficult because our kid stays at “grandp’mas” (his term) after school for a few hours.