I think that’s a nice little document
I think that’s a nice little document
Omg how did it know
Its FS Tab never knew
i’m hungry now
i haven’t bit my finger nails in about 5 days (I’m a bad nail biter)
I think Photon it okay i won’t use it much probably :< sorry
I’m scare to come out we have my family has talked and they support it but I’m just so scarred to.
Who is this artist I see their work and love it
i don`t know i just never learned anything but C and asm. ps. i use doom emacs for its package manager over VIm or its flavors.
I have just had bad experiences with flatpack so I don’t want to use it and the aur has the stuff I need and flatpack dose not
Its winamp for Mac
It hasent had a linux kernel panic yet
I think that its nice we as software developers are moving away from 32bit but, I don’t know the benefits of being 64bit for minecraft and what about arm or RISC CPUs. The java version was bound to be uped at some point it, and is the 64bit cpu required or are they shipping a 64bit OJDK
https://youtu.be/oxmefq2K6eA high quality
I config like 30 mins a day its never good