Honestly go to the protest yes, but I would not risk it. Its very on the nose and you dont know how the acabs will react.
Nonbinary Queer AF Autstic probably
Honestly go to the protest yes, but I would not risk it. Its very on the nose and you dont know how the acabs will react.
The problem is that we alredy had a similar problem with XMPP and google Talk.
Where gooogle took over with google talk.
You can read more about it here.
Lemmy instances are mostly paid through donations.
although there might be some exeptions.
on the second part if you have an efi motherboard I can recommend the refind boot manager which is eseayer to set up. and you can dual boot from multiple disks. you have to install the package after setting up your fedora install
here is the official dokumentation from fedora https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Refind
Oooh he knows, thats why he is trying to destroy it
What OS have you installed?
And more importantly, can it run linux?
edit: mpre ----> more
I mean yeah maddie is a cop
spoiler finale
a noxian agent who pretends to be a cop but still
Ifeel sorry for you having to live with your parents again.
definitly try to find alternatives and try to move out as soon as you can.
try to detach yourself from your parents emotionally.
note that I am in no ways a mental health proffessional.
I dont know whether you have any friends, but you could try to make more friends maybe start getting new hobbies or join suppport groups. which sound way eseayer than it actually is.
but you can try to build more social envoirements outside of home.
again I dont know you I hope this at least helps a little bit. but I think you can get throuth to this step by step and ultimatly and hopefully leave your toxic parebts behind.
Its problematic to put the political center as least biased and objective.
same here I try to be as neutral as possible
Everything except that one line about elon musk.
But in generall the concept of canon is completly overated. Like these are stories that are up to interpretation they not real. You can do what ever you want with that.
Its kind of interesting to see how some of those anti woke types loose their shit over this. (not just)
Anyways I can recommend jessie gender after dark’s video on this subject relatong to trek
You do know that there are jewish nazis right?
Now Im wondering whether your either a troll or just seriously misguided. like what do you get out of accusing random people on lemmy, who you assume are liberals fore being responsible for the palestinisn genocide. Like maybe that is easy compared to taking direct action and organizing.
Shure because that random person on lemmy commited a genocide. You dont even know where they are from or what thier polirical leanings are
Whait what current issues with mullvad??
Ist natürlich alles rein hypothetisch.
yeah I meant this