Sorry!! It was mostly for her new shoe catalog she’s launching but she convinced me to help out with another project.
Thanks for the feedback! First time in front of a camera so was super nervous! And yeah, a few were kind of behind the scenes types and for another project my friend is working on 😊
Thanks! My friend designed them and I absolutely love them! Really hoping she keeps going in design - she’s so talented.
Well that’s definitely a compliment because she’s so cute!!
Sorry about that, did not mean to offend anyone and that part of the shoot was a bit interesting lol. And yes I work in the 16th century hah!
Yes!! I’m so sorry! I was trying to load a few pics from a particular shoot and I messed up!
Hey, thank u! Sorry, I didn’t realize I had shared a few of them! A bit embarrassed!
Thanks! It was fun but not sure how these things go lol! Appreciate the feedback
Sorry! I was trying to share all the shoots we did that weekend!
Not trying to be - sorry! I know some were a bit more than I anticipated but marked them