Nagarjuna [he/him]

We have a duty to fight for our freedom. We have a duty to win.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2020


  • On the management retaliation:

    Unfortunately, my experience is that the rep filed a grievance and it was out of my hands. What is important imo is immediately framing it as retaliation and making the boss the bad guy before the boss can blame the union. Make it an issue to organize around or management will.

    Management can give you a raise whenever they want. Ant “my hands are tied” rhetoric is the bosses trying to blame the union for their own retaliation.

    On the coordinated bargaining: you don’t have to bargain at the same time this time around to line up expiration dates and bargain at the same time in 3 years.

  • See if you can negotiate your contract ending at the same time as the other departments. That way, next time you can negotiate together, with the power of three units threatening strike instead of just one.

    To answer your question about selective raises, that’s retaliation and a ULP. They did it to us at my last job and we had to fight it.

    A lot of reps are fairly new, or are used to a particular wheelhouse, or know more about organizing than labor law, or more about labor law than organizing. That’s why it’s so important to have worker leadership.

    Have you read Labor Law for the Rank and Filer and no contract, no peace?