I care that he bothered to make a whole post about it yeah, but not that he’s leaving
You can just leave, we could care less
Hope you get banned soon <3
I meant to me and the other commenter, not the clergy
No I don’t, I just think you’re wrong and extremely disrespectful
I’m an atheist and I agree with the other person
Hatsune Miku is not an AI influencer she’s a character mascot of a vocal synthesizer software. There’s no AI involved.
This is a socialist sub so yeah no more private ownership of property would be nice
It’s cisgender, the post is about gender not sexuality.
If it makes you feel better, it’s mostly just loud people on the internet. I’ve never really seen any gatekeeping behavior at any of the many shows I’ve been to.
No actually, as it turns out I don’t. Thanks for your concern though <3
Smoulder is a great trad/doom band with a female vocalist. Savage Master is a really fun trad band with a female vocalist. Castle Rat is a cool new doom band with a female vocalist.