InevitableSwing [none/use name]

  • 76 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2022


  • MSNBC had this doctor on to talk about the horrible situation in Gaza.

    3 years ago, MedGlobal was born - MedGlobal

    By Dr. Zaher Sahloul, MedGlobal President and Co-Founder

    Three years ago, I was in Yemen with three other medical volunteers, providing internal medicine and pediatrics services to people suffering from the effects of war and famine. MedGlobal had just been formed. In between medical consultations, we talked about the goals for the future of our organization, dedicated to providing innovative healthcare to crisis-affected and low-resource areas.

    I don’t know anything about him - I copy and pasted that for context.

    I was listening to in the background so I don’t know how long the interview was. I think ~7 minutes at least. I noticed something very unusual. Almost zero questions. Stephanie Ruhle was interviewing him. Ruhle isn’t rude but it’s her habit to pepper guests with questions. She always does that. I’ve never seen her be so quiet. Also - MSNBC’s PR shtick is that they ask questions and it makes you smarter. I forget an recent tagline - it was something like “Never stop asking questions”.

    It’s the norm that anchors/reporters ask a lot of questions. In one way - the lack of questions was really great. He was highly knowledgeable and informed the audience in stark terms about how awful things are. That’s the first time I’ve seen that on CNN or MSNBC. But the producers must have had him on because even though he didn’t pull punches about the medical situation - they knew he was very politic and he’d avoid “politics”.

    The end result was that the agent of the chaos, Israel, hardly came up at all. It was like these horrible unfolding health problems were happening all by themselves due to unknown or poorly understood causes.

  • A couple weeks ago I set a goal on my rowing machine. In a single set I wanted to do 1,500 strokes in 60 minutes. That’s 25 stokes a minute. It seemed very ambitious for me so I thought it would take months for me to get there. But I surprised myself and I managed that goal. And I kept going faster.

    Today I did 1,507 strokes in 58 minutes which is ~26 strokes a minute. Somehow found an inner spring of will power. Don’t ask me how.

    For some reason right now I’m fixated on 1,500 strokes. Tomorrow I’ll do two or three sets with my goal being 57 minutes. I think in three sets it’s doable.

  • It has to be willful ignorance at this point, right?

    The author is a right-wing turd contrarian. The NYT loves such people to death. He even wrote a book where he complained and ranted against the civil rights movement because of course he did.

    Christopher Caldwell (journalist)

    In 2020 he published The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, in which he argues that the civil rights movement has had significant unintended consequences: “Just half a decade into the civil rights revolution, America had something it had never had at the federal level, something the overwhelming majority of its citizens would never have approved: an explicit system of racial preference. Plainly the civil rights acts had wrought a change in the country’s constitutional culture.” Caldwell writes that the Civil Rights Act 1964 was “not just a major new element in the Constitution,” but “a rival constitution, with which the original one was frequently incompatible.”

  • openly corrupt and in plain sight

    If the GOP does its political corruption and crimes in public - libs can be incredibly passive about it. It would have been laughable in fiction in 2014 before Trump became a candidate. But Trump showed that in reality it’s actually true. An example is that Trump’s Georgia phone call happened in January, 2021. The libs were shocked but January 6th happened just a few days later.

    Steve Bannon turned out to be dead right. The phone call became just another event in the Trump tsunami of shit. It’s counter-intuitive but Trump flooded the zone with shit and it was actually less bad for him. The libs simply do not give a fuck that Biden and the dems have passed zero federal legislation to protect elections. And the DC dems haven’t even made empty promises to in the future!

    Libs are weirdly passive about the lack of federal action on that just as they are about the death of Roe and the mealy-mouthed DC dem promises to codify it into law… sometime. I guess blue state dems really believe they can ignore what’s happening in the red states and won’t reach them. Red state dems must turn up the denial to 11. I know we make fun of such lib idiocy all the time but I really don’t get it.

  • Biden should give a rousing speech…

    Good evening. Prosecutors from here will join others from around America. And they will be launching the largest legal battle in this history of mankind. Mankind - that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th indictment, and they willl once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution - but from annihilation.

    We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the 4th indictment will not be known as an American holiday but as the day when the world declared in one voice… We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today, we celebrate our 4th Indictment Day!

  • Is this just more hopeful “the walls are closing in”

    Seems very so to me.

    In Georgia a council, appointed by the governor, has the pardon power in the state…

    Holy shit. I knew about the bullet points you listed but I didn’t know that! My bet is that MSNBC (etc) is basically going to ignore that fact this week so the libs can have their victory lap. But it seems to me as time goes on - lib media have to mention it once in a while. A conviction is utterly meaningless yet hilarious if the GOP people void it few weeks later. If not faster.