Does she have three faces or is she just happy to see her?
Perpetually horny sapphic mommy with crippling ADHD
One day I’m going to regret horny posting on main.
Does she have three faces or is she just happy to see her?
This might be a good reason for me to start playing stardew valley. Though I guess Haley was already a good reason to start playing. 🤭
Who wants to come practice with me? 😘
I want to be sandwiched in between both of them. 🤭🫠
Can we be great in bed together? :3
To walk on the moon obviously. Duh. Do you want to have cheese all over your feet or something?
To play Minecraft and look at cute girls. 😌
Aww. Even the frog onesie she’s wearing looks sad. 😢
How do you know I’m not already gazing at star butts? 😏
My younger brother’s late cat.
The only tax I pay is cat tax 😤
Usually I am but once in a while my subby side does come out :3c
Oops sorry. I’m not familiar with this anime.