Okay so they are making more again? I thought they took a break til April. I’m new to this idk🤣
Okay so they are making more again? I thought they took a break til April. I’m new to this idk🤣
Whatever you wanna tell yourself. I was just letting you know that just because you CAN survive on a highly specialized solely plant based diet, doesn’t mean you and everyone else on the planet SHOULD. Humans are opportunistic omnivores, always have been always willing be. there are a few examples of previous humans choosing to only eat plants, but the vast majority of them ate meat and veggies. A well balanced diet of fruits vegetables and meat is best for humans. Again thought not today’s modern, super fucked up mass farmed and processed meat.
I can also pretty confidently say that if you were ever actually starving, you would for sure eat meat to survive without a second thought no matter how vegan you say you are. Unless you’re one of those people that would rather die than kill an animal to survive.
And as far as the everyone couldn’t eat wild meat part, most people with a medium sized back yard could raise chickens or goats or rabbits on their own for meat. While it’s not necessarily “wild” it’s still much better than commercially farmed meat.
Fun fact, we have canine teeth. Which means like every other omnivor and carnivore, we as humans are designed to eat meat. Just not hugely growth hormone filled meat like modern beef and chicken and pork. We’re made to eat wild healthy God raised and not farm raised meat. But yes you alsomust maintain a balance of meat and vegetables.
He was simply the fall guy. He might have been in charge of a couple things but the ones actually doing all the wrong don’t get caught. And nobody wanted him to take them down with him, so he conveniently “killed himself.” I would say his wife was more involved than he was. People overlook the women in high places.