messaging packaged for them ro agree to.
This messaging would have to read “I’m gonna put everything back where it belongs: gays back in the closet, blacks back on the plantations, immigrants back in the jungle, and women back in the kitchen.”
They hate others, period. They hate whoever their fascist media diet tells them to hate. They would rather burn the country to the ground than to accept that a minority somewhere gets the same privilege that they do. This is the only thing they vote on.
I think you paid for a hooker and expected a girlfiend. Not only can she not fill the emotional void in your life, she can only provide short term satisfaction you will inevitably try and fail to recreate afterward.
“Get my feature to work” fr? Your inner techbro is showing. Coding is as much a creative endeavor as it is a technical one. Do you have so little attachment to your idea that you don’t even try to make it come to life yourself? Do you lack the education or know-how to do it? A person would happily teach you, or code it for you, if you asked (or maybe paid).