• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2022

  • Hey comrade!! First of all thanks for being a big contributor and consistent presence to the grad.

    I am not a professional nor do I have any real experience with these kinds of techniques, but recently (in the past two weeks or so) I’ve been trying to work on my anxiety through consciously thinking about it.

    Instead of fighting my anxiety and telling myself there’s nothing to be worried about, I just consciously tell myself something to the effect of “ok, I am feeling anxious” or “ok this feeling is there”, “that’s fine”, etc… Then I tell myself there is a reason for that anxiousness. And I try to think back and find potential causes for it.

    This calms me down. I don’t remember to do it every time but it does work to varying degrees for me. Sometimes less than others.

  • It was always going to end with those losers setting up shop. But hey it’s great to see that MLs are making great strides in geopolitics for humanity, and all the bootlickers from reddit can do is troll on lemmy.

    They genuinely think flooding lemmy is going to help stop the multipolar world. Think about that for a second - how stupid you have to be and how desperate you have to be to resort to that. So framed in this way, we know that they will go the way of history and that progress marches on, ignoring their tears.

  • You just need to read more history books, honestly. By saying things “are nuanced” is actually I think an attempt to de-nuance by trying to equate two things (China vs US) which are entirely different.

    There is nothing useful by starting from a perspective of trying to equate two things when there is a distinct lack of knowledge/information. This is your own bias coming into play here - you are instantly trying to find some sort of equivalence instead of starting from the real square zero of “wait, I actually don’t know anything about China”.

    This is one of the main pitfalls of liberal ideology - to always have to appease two sides to appear to be unbiased. Since I assume you are American, you obviously wouldn’t leapfrog to “both are bad” when cops beat up BLM protestors after protestors looted, right? Obviously there is a real truth to everything and you don’t get there by leapfrogging from zero knowledge to equivalence.

    What exactly is it that you are hoping to accomplish by criticizing China, a country that you know ostensibly nothing about (you do not know its language, history, nor do you live there)?

    So when framed like that:

    -Why exactly does your criticism help you in your goal?

    -Why is it worth anything?

    -Why should Chinese people care about it?

    -Why should countries who are leaving US imperialism care?

    -What exactly is imperialism (this one is easy tbh, read Lenin, learn about the role of military, debt, and currency)?

    Anyway the purpose of this is to get you to explore the way your own thought process works, as I assume you are a leftist from the west.

  • I mean it is the greatest humanitarian achievement in history but surely ending the Southern slave economy, even if for economic reasons as a conflict of ruling classes, was also right up there as being “progressive” as well.

    The main difference between Americas 1900s progress and China’s modern progress however is that China’s aren’t concessions from a bourgeoisie ruling class and thus will not be taken away, but built upon further.

    But Danny already knows that sort of stuff so I get where he’s coming from. But maybe the wordage is not quite right.