Summertime Soviet

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins



May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019


  • “China isn’t real Socialism because they have billionaires and corporations”

    “Nordic Socialism is a better form of Socialism than Marxism-Leninism, because it’s democratic and happiness is high in those countries”

    Meanwhile, China has democratic elections and scores high on citizen happiness, and the Nordic countries also have billionaires and corporations. China has a ML government, while the Nordic countries are capitalist. Make it make sense.

  • It’s like this specific type of person thinks their 2-hour Wikipedia dive and their high school required reading of 1984 makes them more knowledgeable than comrades who’ve spent large blocks of their lives reading obscure tomes they found while crypt-diving on

    These total losers will come into any community that’ll have them, then spout the most milquetoast, regurgitated takes on subjects they’ve never honestly researched. Then lose their pants in rage when their benign tomfoolery is returned to them by people who actually know the history or theory in question. Their only political education is on par with The History Channel, virtually a kindergartener trying to correct someone with a doctorate. This is the intellectual equivalent to street fighters, who think they’re big and tough because they never actually train in a specific martial art and happen to win against fellow losers, then who step into a real martial arts academy thinking they’ll easily challenge the instructor and win, then get their asses handed to them.

    I think most people who read this will agree, these people are the greatest laughingstocks on the left. Funnier than most anarchists, a bigger hoot than any shitlib. The only value these people have is the crux of a joke. Otherwise, they’re a waste of bandwidth.

  • I know the Winnie the Poo one was racism mixed with “communism is when government bans things” propaganda.

    Winnie the Poo is not banned in China, nor was it ever (to my knowledge). The entire meme of it came from people (mostly white racists) claiming that Xi Jinping looked like the character on sites like Reddit and 4Chan, then on the same sites they claimed the meme was banned in China and was being suppressed by Reddit’s moderation (it wasn’t). Thus creating an urban myth that not only was the meme of Xi photoshopped next to Winnie banned, but Winnie the Poo as a character was also banned.

    This whole thing comes down to Sinophobia, and the racist desire to believe anything that’s being said about China.