DivineChaos100 [none/use name]

  • 179 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2020


  • I mean not even mentioning the workers councils that literally shut the country down and dismissing them as something only the trots care about is a huge problem to start. Like, workers didn’t started a strike wave so a few fash and CIA agents can start lynching.

    The lynching did happen btw, but it wasn’t something that was condoned by the wider movement, quite the opposite. Here is what the paper of Imre Nagy’s supporters wrote about it.

    "We hated fascism, no matter its color, we hated the bandits of Hitler, who, with the innocent Jews, exterminated such great persons of this nation as Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre. We hated and hate now the red fascists, the stalinist-rákosiist-péter gáborist-farkasist, or whatever directionist cops who killed, imprisoned, driven to suicide or turned into a physical and mental wreck some of our greatest patriots. And we hate the fascists lurking in the dark, who, taking advantage of the turmoil of the revolution, are trying to bake their own bread over the fire that’s cleansing the nation.

    It’s tough to separate justified rage of the people from the hooligans trying to hide in the upset masses, but we got to.

    There were lynchings in the city yesterday. Posters started to appear on the walls saying “Down with Communists! Down with the Party! Exterminate the Communists!” Shady people join the masses pointing at houses, saying “there’s a communist living here”, hoping that the masses will listen to them.

    Instead we appeal everyone listen to reason! We call everyone to think! We feel like Igazság has deserved the right of calling on everyone to think, as we have supported the rising people from the first and hardest hours, screamed the truth despite the ÁVÓ guns pointed at us, protected the freedom fighters and spread their truth.

    First of all we gotta remind you that even in the darkest times, in the midst of terror there were party members, who, risking their own and their families lives, ruining themselves, but came forward and unveiled the enemies of the people, even if it was the leaders of the party. These people were thrown out of the party, lost their jobs, some of them even got imprisoned. They started the process that led to the removal of Rákosi, and to the fact that in the frontlines there are active Party members.

    We also gotta remind everyone to the siege of 1944-45 when the snitches brought the Arrow Cross soldiers on the necks of the believers of true freedom and the hiding Jews. They only had to say “This one is a friend of Jews, this one listens to English radio, this one is a member of an opposition party…” Do you remember? And do you remember the workers who were taken away from the barracks because they were succdems or union members?

    The tollers of revolution are back. When the weapons were the loudest, they were hiding in the basement and now they’re back to whisper “Communists live here.” You gotta recognise the instigators! The revolution and them are like fire and water!

    We say, all of them should be punished! Punish the AVH snitches, punish the AVH members, who ruined families, punish the functionaries who brought this people to ruin instead of rising them! They should be punished, but by the revolutionary tribunals, by the terms of Hungarian laws!

    The revolution broke out for the freedom of order and the rule of law. The lynchmobs’ judges and the AVH executioners grew from the same ground. True revolutionaries will condemn lynching as they condemned the fascism of Rákosi.

    The order of the Revolution is: Every criminal should answer to the law! But the streets are no tribunals. You shall unveil the criminals of the past, hand them over to the authorities and reject the ones calling for lynhing!

    You’ll protect yourself and lay the base for a silent revolution and the blooming of productive life if you do this."

    Also there was the “Unguarded money” chests which were started as an art project, by the writers union but in two day they raised about 42 thousand dollars worth of money for the families of fallen revolutionaries and AVH members who were victims of lynching.

    These are just the first two examples i could find about how the lynch mobs were rejected. I will maybe address the “color revolution” claims later but i’ve been writing this for 2 hours now. But in short: everything i saw in the alst few years about them makes me think that even if there were western elements in the revolution (probably were) they were strictly limited to the street fights in Budapest, which explains why that is the part that gets mentioned is that and why no one apart from the trots and a few marxists ( like CLR James , who can’t be accused with being a liberal and compared the Hungarian revolution to the Cuban one) mention that the factory councils had a huge part to play in this as well (like when they stopped sourcing the police with weapons after the first instances of firing into the crowd).

    Edit: Just out of curiosity i did a ctrl+f of this thread and this comment is the first with the word “council” in it. Kinda telling.