I think it is the craftable one, but I am not certain.
I think it is the craftable one, but I am not certain.
I have the opposite of main character syndrome when it comes to MMOs. I do not want the world to revolve around my character, so perhaps that is why I am not finding the same faults!
One of the moments that made the Steppe section in Stormblood the best the expansion had to offer until Tsuyu!
I think you have a point about game communities being somewhere to vent. I know I did that so much with Guild Wars 2. There isn’t really anything I feel the need to get super annoyed about with FFXIV yet - the balance is nowhere near as glaringly bad as GW2 or at points when I played WoW and really the biggest sin it has is a lot of boring (but very good for an MMO) story.
I can’t wait for the FF9 references to hit. I loved Eden so much for the callbacks to 8!
I enjoyed the Steppe section but everything else (aside from Lyse doing some fun stuff every now and then) was just not enjoyable in the slightest. Post-Stormblood was really good though imo!
I… really quite Wuk Lamat so far and I think the English voice acting for the character is one of the stronger examples of good VA in FFXIV.
Not entirely sure what happened with Thancred’s voice though since EW. He now seems to be stuck in the Metal Gear Thancred mode from the stealth quest section of EW!
I am quite enjoying the pace of the story line, but I am expecting it to become a bit more of a drag at one point since there is generally at least one section of the X1 to X7 story in each expansion that just feels there for the sake of being there.
Thank you for making this post.
You’ve outlined exactly why allowing the far right to resolve perceived social issues isn’t the way forward, especially when it comes to any sort of “minority” (which seems to be anything that isn’t non-immigrant white Christian cis straight men) issues.
It’s honestly disappointing to see these sorts of expressions stated here on Lemmy. It was the shitty, uninformed, “I don’t care for the science or data”, reactionary right wing views that contributed to me leaving Reddit and here we are again.
I suppose continuing to dehumanise trans folk with the most important issue being a tiny number of trans people competing in a subset of activities, that are inherently unfair, is so much more important than avoiding demicide.
Got to placate the far right! They are really well known for being reasonable, not demanding more and having positions based wholly on logic without an ounce of hatred slipping through.
I honestly cannot fathom how you can be looking at the situation of the US currently and not realising how wedge issues based on lies and bigotry work and the absolutely deletrious effect it is having on minorities.
I suppose you’ll still be equivocating and making excuses when it’s gone past travel bans (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/marco-rubio-state-transgender-visa-b2704734.html), erasure of LGBT literature (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/banned-books-lgbtq-transgender-black-people-of-color-pen-america-rcna193879), banning of social and medical transition (https://www.hrc.org/resources/attacks-on-gender-affirming-care-by-state-map, https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/government/texas-not-for-freedom-house-bill-could-ban-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-adults/ar-AA1AjTF5), the creation of specific crimes for the existence of transgender people (https://msmagazine.com/2025/03/03/montana-hb-446-criminalizes-trans-existence-social-contagion/), the removal of protections in law (https://www.hrw.org/news/2025/01/23/trump-administration-moves-reject-transgender-identity-rights) and we’re in camps waiting to be “purified”.
Why are you falling for wedge issues that are designed to wipe out a group of people in a way that absolutely parallels actions taken by Nazis? Is a discussion about 10 athletes out of hundreds of thousands that important?
What conversation do you want exactly?
If you want to pretend there is nuance you will be fully aware that the evidence that supposedly supports banning trans athletes, which is an initial step of control used to further limit transgender people by e.g. preventing them for entering the country, are meta studies based on comparisons of cisgender men and cisgender women, right?
There isn’t a nuanced debate to be had and I’m sick of pretending that people like myself who just want to live our lives are a subject for debate.
So yes, worrying about tens out of hundreds of thousands of athletes when there isn’t clear evidence of an advantage is bigoted and not calling that out leads to situations where conservatives and the far right try to introduce bills like that which was recently struck down (thankfully) in Montana.
Now, question for you - why is it so important to you that a minority of people should have their basic humanity and ability to participate in society be questioned in the way that transgender people are? Why do you support that? Why do you consider that to be an okay thing to do, when the consequences of allowing it are so plain to see?
I am not sure what you don’t understand about the statement that walking back support is, in fact, walking back support.
Walking back support in one area is walking back support.
It ain’t that complex. As soon as concessions are made, the far right demands more because there must always be an enemy to crush completely for the in-group. Who will then pick a new enemy when it comes politically convenient.
That is because “the left” might have a few members that just so happen to be better read and have considered some of Popper’s writings.
On such a note, I presume these right-leaning opinions aren’t about the virtues of conservative fiscal policy?
There are many right wing views, views that are now sadly becoming more and more mainstream, that should not be tolerated. If right wingers had faced actual consequences when espousing their hatred of minorities, we might not be looking at a US government that wants to cozy up to Putin and distance their long term allies while stripping away the rights of US citizens.
They aren’t and, if they were, is that a problem?
Look at what right-wing echo chambers have led to. Look at what the “centrist” internet has led to.
Its 2025 and there are still people on the Fediverse convinced that the problem is the “left”. Utterly divorced from reality.
Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Pushing Ice. Semiosis trilogy. Ninefox Gambit. Schild’s Ladder. Firefall.
I put weight on deliberately when starting on HRT and at points when I increased my estrogen dose.
It didn’t help and I have very small boobs. I’ve done caloric restriction and large amounts of exercise a few times when further increasing estrogen or changing from pills to patches and it’s not really impacted breast growth.
Some trans girls are just up against the genetic lottery and you’ll end up small no matter what. In my case, none of the cisgender women in my immediate family have anything above an A cup and coupled with broader shoulders from an original testosterone puberty means I’ve got not much at all!
Which is a lot to say that trying to game it via weight gain and loss isn’t going to make a huge difference and you should get development no matter, unless you are on a starvation diet.
Do you sit with your head turned to the side when using the mouse and keyboard? 😱
It looks like a very pretty glam!
Some of the voice acting is indeed all over the place. Krile is very up and down in quality, Alphinaud sounds like he’s have his first hangover and Thancred is stuck in Metal Gear mode! Urianger and Alisae have been great, I’m enjoying Erenville a lot more in DT and Wuk Lamat’s English VA has been excellent imo.