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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Keep in mind that when you describe a country, you are usually describing the government, the system of rule, and thus the ruling class. Sure it’s not your ruling class, but it is a ruling class. So you still can’t trust them.

    Then there’s evidence of interference with politics as their ruling class tries to bring your country down to advance themselves. Thus making your local ruling class even worse.

  • Environmental issues aside, gas is also a pain for installation. Solid pipes are more difficult to route, and leaks are, of course, dangerous. Electricity is dangerous, but it is easier to contain. It doesn’t leak into the air, and because it’s a closed loop, we can measure if it isn’t all returning and shut it off (RCD/GFCI). It also has flexible cables. The downside is that, heat pumps require more maintenance. They’re a vaguely complicated mechanical system, as many fluid systems are.

  • Deaths are sad, if we consider that people can be brainwashed and it isn’t entirely their fault, it’s a tragedy.

    That said, this is… Evolution in action. I don’t just mean darwin awards dumb, but more specifically that technologies (social or physical) are actually a part of Evolution, not aside from it. That also means that dealing with misinformation is actually becoming a part of evolution, literally for survival. Or if not critical thinking, then what group you attach yourself to, aka what network you trust. Which in some ways, is actually not all that different from before modern technologies.

  • At least power prices are only $2000 a year or so, Rental price and interest rate hikes are going to hit a fair bit harder. But yeah, it’s still contributing to inflation, because everything is going up, and then corpos will use this as justification to raise their prices even further. Wonder how much of this is because of the fuel price spikes mid last year.

    I am on Amber, and yeah we got to directly feel the brunt of it. Other providers absorbed the cost in the short term, to raise their prices in the long term to recoup. The prices on amber are looking a bit more sane these days, but it’s still a roller coaster so I wouldn’t recommend it unless you want to actually keep an eye on power prices as you’re using it. fwiw I’m in SA, which is a little different to the markets in the rest of the NEM. No coal baseload here, coal power is only what comes down the interstate lines.