
  • 1 Post
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月19日


  • I work retail in a state in New England. My experiences have been getting sirred (and occasionally ma’amed when I am turned away, which is better than nothing) by customers asking for directions all the time. Constantly, and not just by older folk. Maybe it’s a cognitive bias that I’m not recognizing, and my area is more like you described and I’ve just been unlucky, but I hate it so much either way.

  • They’re going to turn around and say the anticompetitive and illegal behavior they’re watching for is “dei hiring,” and that these companies’ employees aren’t white or straight enough. Or else it’ll be when companies refuse to comply with “the spirit of” any of Trump’s next 5000 pre-written unhinged executive orders that wouldn’t apply to private business, like calling women or minorities humans or something.

  • The DRM is optional for use by the devs. Rimworld is one game I know doesn’t use it, you can just zip the entire thing up and put it somewhere else and it’ll run fine. It’s still a launcher. But the only better alternative to a launcher is plain installers to download and hold onto like GOG provides as an alternative to its Galaxy launcher.

  • Catpurrpleto196This is real btw rule
    2 个月前

    Extremely common thing to be into, too, but then the main thing that puts me off with foot people is the same thing that puts me off with any fetishes; creeps who don’t know boundaries. If your thing is feet, it doesn’t matter that it’s the summer and everyone is wearing flip flops, don’t bother people or act creepy. And online, don’t dm girls with demands for foot pics. The worst people in a fetish community are always the first people anyone see, and they always give the rest a bad name.

  • Catpurrpleto196treats rule
    2 个月前

    I started progesterone on my second year of HRT, although then I had an incident with my heart unrelated to my HRT, and got my progesterone taken away as a precautionary measure. Got that checked out by a cardiologist, was informed with confidence that it was most likely a one off occurance with only one followup left to rule anything else out. But the planned parenthood clinician I get my HRT from just told me they wouldn’t put me back on it because of the blood clot risk.

    Didn’t matter how I felt about the situation, didn’t matter what other options there were to address that risk, didn’t care about my opinion on the risk to my own body in my own transition, was just a big “fuck me”. Pretty sure their reasoning was some more bullshit regurgitated from some quack study 40 years ago but whatever I guess.

  • CatpurrpletoFemcel MemesHow you y'all feel about 196?
    2 个月前

    I unfollowed every .world community I was previously following, then blocked .world entirely during the pre-backtrack period of their “we wanna do what Facebook is doing” announcement. I did unblock it later, but I’m not following anything on that instance, including 196. I don’t believe what Moss and all them said about their talk with the lemmy world admins, I think eventually when they try again with the moderation change, they’ll enforce it on 196 anyway, despite promising to let them moderate with their own rules. I also don’t like that instance having the most content, which is just going to balloon up even more with 196’s memes, since it starts going against the whole point of the fediverse, the decentralization aspect. If people start saying “well Lemmy world has the ‘best admins’ and the most communities so why make this community on another instance?”, that’s gonna have an effect, you know?

    I just feel disheartened.

  • I love Valkyr, her prime has been my main for years, modded her up nicely to work as my steel path frame. I live in hysteria and steel path enemies go down in seconds, so I’m often the last one standing in deep archimedea, for instance, having to help other people back up, especially when deep archi has the fragmented one assassination in the mission list.

    I have her stuffed full with tau archon shards, kullervos helminth ability, and arcane battery plus the armor needed to support that. I end up with just over a 1k energy pool, when warcry is active and my molt augmented is near its max, so the bad energy economy isn’t quite so bad.

    But yeah, despite how comfortable I am with her, she’s far from perfect. I absolutely would love to have her hysteria moveset reworked so I’m not using the slide as often, plus some other tweaks with the other abilities.