Aaaa, see it nauw maaeeeen!
Aaaa, see it nauw maaeeeen!
Me looking for where the penguin artwork spells “xkcd”:
(Thaaaaanksies! ^-^)
Technically the truth.
As an Indian, <sigh>…
Man, tutorials kinda’ suck, you know? I’m a documentation guy. Also an OOP enthusiast [ https://dataorienteddesign.com/dodbook ] kinda’ guy.
Always knew this pun was a thing! I just never used it…
This one, though, chief.
In reality it is of course the opposite, and that’s terrible, too. Very frightening. Very terrifying.
I switched from Chrome (💀) to Proton and it’s great! Proton’s even trying to become a non-profit now, LOL.
Client :3?
So you on Bedrock Edition…?
Yay! Something that isn’t proprietary and resembles Obsidian!
I won’t ask for cloud integration personally. GitHub is insanely good for anything.
(Please use a code-block.)
Aww, more personalized COMMITMSG
That’s wholesome.
…Or the protagonist of Teardown.
People in the middle! Crushed yet again, oof!