What are we looking at?
Caecilians are long-bodied, limbless amphibians that look similar to earthworms because of segmental rings around their body. Although they are not exactly amphibian-looking, their bones, teeth, fat bodies and other structures show that they are related to salamanders and frogs.
Wasn’t it also recently discovered that they make milk too?
Yes. It’s rather graphic.
That’s… concerningly phrased…
Yeah, I need more information before I look this up, but I’m so curious
They also produce milk for their young.
Never go up against a caecilian when death is on the line!
Where can I see their face?
Some caecilian species engage in a little-studied behaviour called ‘skin feeding’, where newly born babies use specialised ‘skin scraping’ teeth to pull at their mother’s nutrient-laden flesh to fatten themselves up.
Thanks! Oh they are adorable.
Did looking at this image grosse you out ? it’s actually nothing compared to the fucking thumbnails of ‘recommended videos’ I saw by just searching regular stuff on YouTube. Don’t allow your kids near this app, ever!
Thank you for reading my PSA !
ah yes the xxx milk worms do have a nice face