
So your system knows the exact situation and still is slowing down my bike, just at the moment I need to accelerate to avoid being overrun by that large truck heading into me.

How stupid are these folks? We’ve got rules, when people don’t follow those rules, you fine them. Case closed.

No system to prevent a bike speeding, teach people to obey the law.

    1 年前

    Being a pedestrian in Amsterdam can be pretty bad. Dutch on bikes are insane. No slowing down is allowed. The bike might be rigged like the bus in Speed or whatever. Ready to explode.

    People on heavy e-bikes are riding 25km/h over pedestrian crossings with poor visibility.

    It is dangerous, and should be treated as such.

    Cars in Amsterdam is a much smaller consern than bikes. Really.

    Been there. Beautiful city. Terrible biking culture. The Dutch know. They reference it occasionally.