Hey! This is a repost of a discussion from the warframe subreddit that I made regarding the anatomy of warframes. Due to it being for an active project that generated a good amount of discussion (and mainly because Yasha_Ingren recommended it, props to you), I’ve decided to move it here to not lose what everyone came up with for an indeterminate period of time. Any updates made here will also be put on the subreddit once it’s live again. Regardless, here’s what everyone came up with so far! It’s all contained within drive links currently, as annoyingly I can’t seem to post it all at once, maybe as a result of a soft character limit. Once a workaround is found for the length of the post, I’ll just put it here instead. Sorry for the relentless jank :/

Original post

Now, after posting this, a few comments appeared, so this is my attempt to collate everything that was discussed already for future reference. Not word for word, but bringing the general points to the table. I’ll sorta put your username there and then everything brought to the table regarding your point. If you don’t see your name, it’s likely I merged it with one of the other topics simply due to it being in relation to another discussion. This is really janky, but it’s also the only way I can think to preserve the info. I guess treat this as a bonus legacy comment section? If I missed your comment, sorry!


Again, that second spoiler tag is mostly there to record what was said so far. It’s a lot of info, as it’s a whole comment section condensed down. Feel free to leave your ideas here!

So I guess any progress I make on this in my free time will be going here. I’ll also be making future posts if anything major comes up for rendering these. If I can get them into Tennogen, then that’d be amazing, otherwise we’ll at the very least have some pretty cool in universe anatomical renders of the frames. I’ll still be active in this thread if anyone has any other suggestions, and this comment will pretty much just serve as a list of the things I’ve done using the info we gathered whilst here. I’m gonna use this to better my 3D modeling skills as well, so if you’re here for the ride, enjoy it!


  • Melmi
    1 year ago

    This is cool stuff! I never saw this on Reddit.

    One thing jumped out to me though: you implied that there is just a human in there with bits grafted onto them, which doesn’t seem to line up with what we see in lore. Umbra, for example, was implied to become a warframe just by infecting him with infestation, and the infestation alone transmuted his flesh into steel, no grafting required.

    Are you suggesting that we take people and put them into our foundry, then craft the systems, neuroptics, and chassis and stick it into them? That seems… even more unethical than anything else we do, but more than that it causes a big problem with Umbra, the lynchpin of all this: why would he retain his memory if he was made from a completely new person? Plus it would ring a little hollow that the Tenno’s superpower for piloting warframes is empathy for the people they once were if we were the ones who put them there.

    You say “That’d be like crafting leg muscles. We got those already” but I think that the Warframe manufacturing process likely does include crafting leg muscles and by extension the entire warframe. I think that the warframe-ifying process happened prior to the Old War (at least for most of the frames), then the warframes were scanned and converted into reproducible blueprints. The neuroptics/systems/chassis is likely just a standardized way to break down the warframe blueprints for mass production.

    Let me know if I’ve completely misunderstood your implication here, it wasn’t totally clear.