Eucalyptus != Mint
No, but menthol kinda does, enough for a meme anyway.
I thought it was amusing, and I say that as a big fan of Thin Mints and a mild appreciator of Junior Mints or York Peppermint Patties.
Eucaliptus is mint++
mint haters are weak and will not survive the winter
Jokes on you where I leave we don’t actually have a winter.
I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, but I’ll admit that sometimes you get some low quality stuff that literally tastes like cold toothpaste.
Don’t knock my freezercrest!
How do you squeeze it out of the tube once it’s frozen?
If you are Canadian Kawartha Dairy has very good mint chocolate chip that is reasonably priced. It isn’t quite the best I’ve ever had but at not much more than the price of the cheap stuff at the grocery store it is perfect to have in the freezer for an “every-day” treat.
Ironically enough, Vaseline is technically edible. The inventor of the shit would spread it on toast and claim it had healing abilities.
And mexican mothers still agree to this day
(about the healing properties not the eating it part)
I mean, neosporin is mostly vaseline
Don’t like it? More for me!
That’s a totally different flavour. It makes me wonder if there is a genetic reason like with the people that think cilantro tastes like soap.
That’s a totally different flavour. It makes me wonder if there is a genetic reason like with the people that think cilantro tastes like soap.
More taste buds = more diverse taste and thus soap because Cilantro leaves share a chemical found in soap. It’s also a genetic trait.
I don’t quite understand this meme. Do these people hate mint altogether or just with chocolate?
I mean, if you leave the chocolate out of it, anyone who likes any kind of mint anything should (according to this logic) be eating VapoRub straight out the jar.
It’s the ice cream part. Mint when cold is very intense so if someone doesn’t like mint they’ll absolutely hate mint ice cream.
If anyone thinks mint ice cream tastes any colder than other ice cream, they’ve never tried mint ice cream
I don’t get it, why are you dipping a cookie in Vaseline
Its vicks
Why aren’t you dipping a cookie in Vaseline?
Hey man I’ll eat a tube of toothpaste mixed with sugar and chocolate chips in a bowl any day, dairy free too
One is refreshing for the nose, the other is refreshing for the mouth.
But we won’t tell you which one is which!