Rewatching ds9 right now. I know it was rushed, forced. I know trying to replace a long-term character doesn’t work often. If it was an entirely different trill, not a dax, it would be better.

My problem is: aren’t trills supposed to have other lives when they get a symbiont? Goal is to give the symbiont diverse lives, experiences. Jadzia got in serious trouble when she felt drawn to a woman from a previous host relationship. She would have had her symbiont removed.

So the new dax host being a woman, starfleet, in ds9 space station? Isn’t that against trill rules?

  • KyuubiNoKitsune
    1 year ago

    Besides what everyone else has said, she was also having issues with space sickness and the station was more stationary and caused her less issues.

    Terry Farrell wanted to be a recurring character in DS9, she just didn’t want to do it full time anymore. When her contract period came to an end at the end of season 6, and no one approached her about renewing it, she decided it was her que to leave. But instead of having her leave the station, they decided to just completely kill her character off. I feel like she may have well stayed seeing it was canceled in the next season.